08:27 < bridge> hey thanks for this, exactly what i was looking for. I'm gonna play with this soon. Might be some good info for the 'colors' section on the binds wiki, altho maybe a bit too tangential. I def want to add this into the wiki somewhere at least 08:56 < bridge> u should document this in the wiki 09:07 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks @Ryozuki https://twitter.com/esankiy/status/1649104852704690178 09:08 < bridge> oh 09:08 < bridge> he is using assets from store kek 09:09 < bridge> Nice. That's what I wanted to see 09:10 < bridge> so now u believe it 09:10 < bridge> @Ryozuki I think he uses quixel assets 09:11 < bridge> i feel the game will have rly simple gameplay 09:11 < bridge> and be boring 09:11 < bridge> but nice visuals 09:11 < bridge> Tru xd 09:33 < bridge> Could be like "Ready or not" 09:34 < bridge> Beating that game in graphics already 09:37 < bridge> The quixel/megascans library has this level of assets and nanite/lumen does make this level of rendering realism pretty feasible. So I'm really not very surprised it's not fake 09:38 < bridge> I hope he says that it was a single 4090 running it at 2k(trailer resolution) at 60fps .. that would be sick for future games i guess 09:38 < bridge> It's not even about graphics. It's the insane animations and camera handling too 09:39 < bridge> Yeah, that too. The dude most definitely mastered Matinee 😛 09:39 < bridge> On mobile the graphics indeed look real 09:39 < bridge> On desktop i can certainly see some uglier assets 09:41 < bridge> subprocess in script tries to launch every clang-format it knows on terminal, it actually works if i will not check for exact 10 version xd 09:41 < bridge> but yep seems its unnecessary 09:42 < bridge> we should update to llvm 17 clang format 09:42 < bridge> llvm itself has a clang format python script 09:49 < bridge> bro tf xd 09:49 < bridge> looks so good 10:04 < bridge> Personally I’m not too sure about the audio I think they need to bet some sounds recorded because the gunshots,door sounds don’t really sound convincing 10:04 < bridge> I don’t really see how it would work in regards to story or how they could keep the gameplay interesting over a long period but it may have a story that has not been shown in the trailer 10:05 < bridge> it could be like some games in which you have to clear a building 11:01 < bridge> Yes but how will this gameplay stay interesting 11:04 < bridge> @Chairn do u know about fully homomorphic encryption? 11:04 < bridge> https://fhe.org/ 11:04 < bridge> 11:04 < bridge> > Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without first having to decrypt it. The resulting computations are left in an encrypted form which, when decrypted, result in an output that is identical to that produced had the operations been performed on the unencrypted data. Homomorphic encryption can be used for privacy-preserving outsourced storage and computation. This allows data to 11:04 < bridge> 11:05 < bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homomorphic_encryption 11:05 < bridge> 11:05 < bridge> this paired with AI and chatgpt might not be a bad idea 11:06 < bridge> it's infinitely slow 11:07 < bridge> and neural nets need lots of computing power 11:07 < bridge> so not really a good fit 11:08 < bridge> i see 11:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1098909482236514354/image.png 11:54 < bridge> we sellin 12:02 < bridge> Ur company or personal? 12:02 < bridge> personal 12:02 < bridge> Epic 12:02 < bridge> Do u share the game? 12:02 < bridge> what game 12:02 < bridge> What 12:02 < bridge> No game no life 12:02 < bridge> :kek: 12:03 < bridge> are you asking if I hold any rights to the game I'm making? 12:03 < bridge> i wanna sell stuff too 12:03 < bridge> but idk what 12:03 < bridge> and i dont like c# 12:03 < bridge> sell rust tutorials 12:04 < bridge> I need that 12:04 < bridge> xd 12:04 < bridge> u just need to read the book 12:04 < bridge> (website) 12:04 < bridge> books are boring 12:04 < bridge> https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ 12:04 < bridge> dont think of this as a book 12:04 < bridge> too much english 12:05 < bridge> I just found out tauri as an alternative to electron 12:05 < bridge> yeah 12:05 < bridge> but I haven't run into anything that I would need to implement in the backend yet 12:05 < bridge> mobile apps are the money 12:05 < bridge> if only i could do them with rust 12:05 < bridge> and not java 12:05 < bridge> or kotlin 12:05 < bridge> it is not possible? 12:05 < bridge> its possible but its more oriented to games 12:05 < bridge> i dont have the fancy ui builder 12:06 < bridge> it'll be there eventually 12:06 < bridge> Thought u sell some game 12:06 < bridge> i think he is selling a unity thing 12:06 < bridge> nah, just editor extensions for unity 12:07 < bridge> Ah yeah u mentioned it was declined some time s 12:07 < bridge> three times 12:07 < bridge> but ye, it is accepted finally 12:09 < bridge> if the rust "game engine" can do manual redraw instead of every frame. you can make a ui library using the game engine as a rendering engine probably. 12:09 < bridge> it probably wouldn't be too hard on battery life 12:09 < bridge> what i mean is that, the android studio rly makes ur life easier 12:09 < bridge> but u need to use a jvm lang 12:10 < bridge> with rust u can do anything obviously with enough effort 12:10 < bridge> i see 12:10 < bridge> i haven't used any ui builder for ages tho 12:10 < bridge> android studio is rly top tier 12:10 < bridge> i used it 12:10 < bridge> I didn't like android studio 12:10 < bridge> (its made by jetbrains with google) 12:10 < bridge> not sure what was it like today tho 12:11 < bridge> I did make like one app on google play store with android studio. I didn't enjoy it over just using typescripts and html lol 12:11 < bridge> oh well yeah html and ts is easier 12:11 < bridge> but its not native 12:12 < bridge> well ye, backend would still be in java or kotlin i guess 12:12 < bridge> tauri is adding android support 12:12 < bridge> rust backend 12:13 < bridge> ye 12:14 < bridge> @TsFreddie what are you selling? 12:14 < bridge> we just said it 12:14 < bridge> xd 12:14 < bridge> unity extension/asset 12:14 < bridge> on unity asset store 12:14 < bridge> ah 🙂 (couldn't find it in the backlog ^^) 12:18 < bridge> so wouldn't it still be a browser frontend tho 12:18 < bridge> yeah 12:19 < bridge> tauri uses the OS predefined "webview" 12:19 < bridge> isntead of bundling chromium 12:19 < bridge> like electron 12:19 < bridge> so its way less space 12:19 < bridge> also less ram 12:19 < bridge> hi ryozuki 12:19 < bridge> cuz its rust backend 12:19 < bridge> not nodejs 12:19 < bridge> I was trying to avoid electron when I found tauri 12:19 < bridge> i have plans for tauri 12:19 < bridge> i LOVE svelte 12:19 < bridge> and u can use tauri with any frontend framework 12:19 < bridge> sveltekit included 12:20 < bridge> I was hoping to find a nodejs backend without chromium tho 12:20 < bridge> reactjs doesnt come close to svelte 12:20 < bridge> svelte is rly gud 12:20 < bridge> but i ended up just using tauri anyway 12:20 < bridge> vue ftw 12:20 < bridge> omg svelte 12:20 < bridge> past tech 12:20 < bridge> modernize to svelte 12:20 < bridge> I just learnt sveltekit 12:20 < bridge> it's so good 12:20 < bridge> it is 12:20 < bridge> im using it 12:21 < bridge> rust with axum + sqlx for backend 12:21 < bridge> sveltekit with typescript frontend 12:21 < bridge> although I thought sveltekit can be full stack 12:21 < bridge> and sveltekit has a deno adapter 12:21 < bridge> so u run the frontend server with deno 12:21 < bridge> instead of the slow memory hog nodejs 12:21 < bridge> turns out the server-side stuff lacks a bit 12:21 < bridge> it rly is a difference 12:22 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1098916568060133438/image.png 12:22 < bridge> well 12:22 < bridge> i use rust for backend so 12:22 < bridge> idc 12:23 < bridge> :brownbear: 12:23 < bridge> I still haven't learned rust 12:24 < bridge> I'm too bad at learning rust specifically 12:24 < bridge> xd 12:24 < bridge> also rust has a metrics crate 12:24 < bridge> with prometheus 12:24 < bridge> rly gud 12:25 < bridge> go wasn't that bad but rust hurts my soul 12:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1098917370191433738/image.png 12:25 < bridge> there is a query i need to optimize 12:26 < bridge> it runs on a table with 7363850 records 12:26 < bridge> growing by 100k a day 12:26 < bridge> idk if its good or bad xd 12:27 < bridge> ```sql 12:27 < bridge> SELECT COUNT(*) as count, DATE_TRUNC('day', purchase_time) as day from purchase GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day', purchase_time) ORDER BY day DESC LIMIT 15 12:27 < bridge> ``` 12:28 < bridge> ```sql 12:28 < bridge> explain analyze SELECT COUNT(*) as count, DATE_TRUNC('day', purchase_time) as day from purchase GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('day', purchase_time) ORDER BY day DESC LIMIT 15; 12:28 < bridge> QUERY PLAN 12:28 < bridge> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12:28 < bridge> Limit (cost=486669.97..486673.74 rows=15 width=16) (actual time=1022.245..1121.289 rows=15 loops=1) 12:28 < bridge> -> Finalize GroupAggregate (cost=486669.97..1307838.10 rows=3267753 width=16) (actual time=1015.092..1114.132 rows=15 loops=1) 12:28 < bridge> Group Key: (date_trunc('day'::text, purchase_time)) 12:28 < bridge> -> Gather Merge (cost=486669.97..1237076.59 rows=5982920 width=16) (actual time=1012.752..1114.114 rows=46 loops=1) 12:28 < bridge> Workers Planned: 2 12:28 < bridge> Workers Launched: 2 12:28 < bridge> -> Partial GroupAggregate (cost=485669.94..545499.14 rows=2991460 width=16) (actual time=729.113..927.120 rows=1097 loops=3) 12:28 < bridge> Group Key: (date_trunc('day'::text, purchase_time)) 12:28 < bridge> -> Sort (cost=485669.94..493148.59 rows=2991460 width=8) (actual time=728.790..844.880 rows=1766009 loops=3) 12:28 < bridge> Sort Key: (date_trunc('day'::text, purchase_time)) DESC 12:28 < bridge> Sort Method: external merge Disk: 29496kB 12:28 < bridge> Worker 0: Sort Method: external merge Disk: 28584kB 12:28 < bridge> Worker 1: Sort Method: external merge Disk: 28544kB 12:28 < bridge> -> Parallel Seq Scan on purchase (cost=0.00..123001.25 rows=2991460 width=8) (actual time=3.744..551.538 rows=2454637 loops=3) 12:28 < bridge> Planning Time: 0.572 ms 12:28 < bridge> JIT: 12:28 < bridge> Functions: 22 12:28 < bridge> Options: Inlining false, Optimization false, Expressions true, Deforming true 12:28 < bridge> Timing: Generation 3.093 ms, Inlining 0.000 ms, Optimization 0.951 ms, Emission 16.912 ms, Total 20.956 ms 12:28 < bridge> Execution Time: 1157.467 ms 12:28 < bridge> (20 rows) 12:28 < bridge> ``` 12:29 < bridge> :justatest: 12:29 < bridge> maybe pre-calculating the date by day could save time 12:29 < bridge> on the table 12:30 < bridge> is it your job or you're just making stuff 12:31 < bridge> this is a hobby project 12:31 < bridge> its this site https://market.xivhub.org/ 12:31 < bridge> epic 12:31 < bridge> at my job i build a compiler 12:36 < bridge> Ryo gets smart af. I'm jealous 12:43 < bridge> u know a lot about vulkan 12:43 < bridge> dont be 12:43 < bridge> xd 12:43 < bridge> and im stupid 12:43 < bridge> also ur smarter now 12:43 < bridge> cuz u use rust 12:46 < bridge> this reminds me i need to setup elastic search and add it to the wiki 12:46 < bridge> now that i have my vps with 64gb ram 12:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1098922942974398544/image.png 12:48 < bridge> didnt know itt had a gpu 12:48 < bridge> i wonder what that is 12:50 < bridge> Wtf 12:50 < bridge> Why u have such a beast as vpn 12:51 < bridge> vps 12:51 < bridge> * 12:51 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks the reason is 12:51 < bridge> cuz i want 12:51 < bridge> thats it 12:51 < bridge> too many moneys lying around? 12:51 < bridge> its not a vps tho 12:51 < bridge> well it is 12:52 < bridge> it theorically is metal or idk the term 12:52 < bridge> dedicated server? 12:52 < bridge> i mean i would say im not too bad, but i simply enjoy having a good server at my disposal 12:52 < bridge> to test and have my stuffs 12:52 < bridge> ye 12:52 < bridge> dedicated 12:52 < bridge> its 45€ month iirc 12:52 < bridge> hetz 12:53 < bridge> :justatest: being public shamed for having a server :justatest: 12:53 < bridge> I mean if u like it why not;) 12:53 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1098924589494579210/image.png 12:54 < bridge> this one iirc 12:54 < bridge> But sounds like second desktop PC xd 12:54 < bridge> ye xd 12:54 < bridge> Also sounds very expensive actually xd 12:54 < bridge> xd 12:55 < bridge> its like paying for chatgpt 2x a month 12:55 < bridge> this reminds me that I'm paying a lot for ger2 ^^ 12:55 < bridge> how much 12:56 < bridge> I like netcups root server. U have dedicated cores, so the computing time is not shared. But the CPUs itself are still shared 12:56 < bridge> in the same range 12:56 < bridge> but well with my job i can pay this ez 12:56 < bridge> What strikes me a bit, is that the cpu is rather old and still it's not really cheap 12:57 < bridge> hmm 12:57 < bridge> idk if i found cheaper 12:57 < bridge> but the cpu is not bad 12:57 < bridge> i can say im biased towards amd 12:57 < bridge> there are intel options 13:00 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks i just need to make a saas that earns 45$ month :justatest: 13:00 < bridge> It's Not bad. My point is rather. For that price u get the same shit on ebay and can host urself. Sicne u have good internet 13:00 < bridge> Ez 13:01 < bridge> but no static ip 13:02 < bridge> and electricity costs and stability 13:04 < bridge> I use dyndns for that 13:04 < bridge> Well electricity is pretty cheap except u know the server is rarely idle ^^ 13:04 < bridge> Dunno what u calculating the whole day xd 13:08 < bridge> xd 13:19 < bridge> No one has home internet “datacenter good” 13:19 < bridge> You can have good speeds at home, but datacenters have strategic peering 13:26 < bridge> Yeah, but why would u need this professionalism for personal projects xd 13:28 < bridge> I also have a 30e dedicated server, I mostly have it for proxying through, being my permanently on irc bouncer, monero node, etcetc 13:28 < bridge> seems like we waste some money 13:28 < bridge> I mostly still have it just because it was cheaper when I initially got it then germany decided energy should be 2x 13:29 < bridge> Not like I have anything else to spend the money on, might aswell have a cool server 13:30 < bridge> It also let’s me host more rsc intensive games when friends fancy playing 13:31 < bridge> Probably s/‘// there but I’m not a 100% on that one 😛 13:33 < bridge> hobbies are waste of money 13:33 < bridge> see, u get it 13:34 < bridge> s#'## indeed 13:34 < bridge> let's is always short for "let us" 13:34 < bridge> If I had a job I’d probably have an even cooler one like yours 😄 13:34 < bridge> u can use sed with any separator 13:34 < bridge> It’s forbidden knowledge 13:34 < bridge> s,/,, 13:34 < bridge> yes, but discord special-cases / so I can't use / 13:35 < bridge> troll sed 13:35 < bridge> s"'"" 13:35 < bridge> this is like s/'// 13:35 < bridge> You can do `s\/‘//` 13:35 < bridge> XD 13:35 < bridge> hmm, any byte? unicode codepoint? grapheme? emoji cluster? 13:35 < bridge> idk 13:35 < bridge> sed uses C so probably ascii kek 13:36 < bridge> I’d guess any ascii 13:36 < bridge> 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 13:36 < bridge> Maybe any unicode codepoint if very very well implemented 😄 13:37 < bridge> ```sh 13:37 < bridge> $ echo abc | sed sßbßbbß 13:37 < bridge> sed: -e expression #1, char 2: delimiter character is not a single-byte character 13:37 < bridge> ``` 13:37 < bridge> Discords version of the sed syntax clearly shows that it was implemented by someone that only opens the terminal to write `npm build` 13:38 < bridge> im cooler 13:38 < bridge> i use pnpm 13:38 < bridge> easy casual "JS developers bad" embedded in "discord developer unexperienced" 13:39 < bridge> if we are real 13:39 < bridge> most js devs are people who took a 1 time course 13:39 < bridge> I worked hard to get both into one sentence 13:39 < bridge> they barely interested on programming 13:40 < bridge> also typescript is a sign of js being bad 13:40 < bridge> typescript is passable 13:53 < bridge> TIL https://blendermarket.com/categories/scripts-and-addons 13:53 < bridge> a marketplace for blender addons 13:53 < bridge> its python tho 13:53 < bridge> my life is sad, no rust addons anywhere 14:00 < bridge> be the change you wnat to be in the world? 14:00 < bridge> you can produce python modules with rust using pyo3 I think 14:06 < bridge> :brownbear: 15:30 < bridge> I think most open source addons are simply hosted on github/gitlab, since an addon is just a zip file containing a python module 15:30 < bridge> blender is the only reason i ever coded python 🙃 15:31 < bridge> they are sold there, with GPL license 15:33 < bridge> https://polyhedral.info/ 15:42 < bridge> looked up some addons from https://github.com/agmmnn/awesome-blender, and to my surprise some of them are actually in the market, but definitely not most from my sample 15:43 < bridge> but good idea, maybe I should just upload my twmap addon for free there for better visibility 16:26 < bridge> tell me if i should fix the max_clients-1 thing because i still dont know if i should 16:28 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks since how long r u working on ur company 16:28 < bridge> and did u ever ask for a raise 17:45 < bridge> How much does he earn? 17:46 < bridge> Just calculated my hourly rate and it is above about 18€ 17:51 < bridge> @DefaultO r u german 17:51 < bridge> or russian 17:51 < bridge> German. Yeah its low. 17:51 < bridge> 55k yer? 17:51 < bridge> 51* 17:51 < bridge> Only daydream job 17:51 < bridge> if so, not low here xD 17:52 < bridge> what does that mean 17:52 < bridge> You sure? Looked it up. Avg. is at 28€ 17:52 < bridge> You sure? Looked it up. Avg. is at 28€/hour. 17:53 < bridge> i guess my math is off 17:53 < bridge> idk 17:53 < bridge> I earn more than that with less work with my pay 2 cheat company 17:53 < bridge> So its not what I really have on me at the end of each year 17:53 < bridge> definitly not in spain 17:53 < bridge> We are still in Germany 17:54 < bridge> I didnt move a few secs ago 17:54 < bridge> I didnt move just a few secs ago 17:54 < bridge> i think 8€ is avg 17:54 < bridge> i earn about 16€ 17:54 < bridge> but nobody uses hourly rates here 17:54 < bridge> thats a american thing 17:54 < bridge> we just say the yearly 17:54 < bridge> Nah mate. Programmers. Min wage is 9€ something. 17:54 < bridge> Nah mate. Programmers. Min wage is 9€ something in Germany. 17:54 < bridge> i tell u 17:55 < bridge> but well here in spain if u work for a spanish company 17:55 < bridge> expect to be paid bad 17:55 < bridge> or idk i havent found any good one 17:55 < bridge> i work for international 17:56 < bridge> @DefaultO how much u wait/waited to ask for a raise 17:56 < bridge> thats what i wanna know 17:56 < bridge> I havent 17:56 < bridge> Thats what I get once I finished my test next week 17:57 < bridge> Company wants me. Company needs me. 17:57 < bridge> well well 17:57 < bridge> dont get swayed by words 17:57 < bridge> anyone is easily replaced 17:57 < bridge> Not in a 4 man company. 17:57 < bridge> oof 17:57 < bridge> i workedi n a small company 17:57 < bridge> its better to work in a medium or bigger one imho 17:57 < bridge> Where the devs know how everything works 17:57 < bridge> And if you kick one of them 17:58 < bridge> thats a sign of bad org 17:58 < bridge> Your company probably won't recover 17:58 < bridge> imho 17:58 < bridge> i prefer medium or bigger 17:58 < bridge> also more opportunity to learn from others 17:58 < bridge> u gotta leech the knowledge 17:58 < bridge> I do 17:59 < bridge> Marco before me did too 17:59 < bridge> Ended up getting 4.5€ per month 17:59 < bridge> But because his child is ill. He looked for a job where he can work from home. 18:00 < bridge> another reason to not go for spanish companies here 18:00 < bridge> they prefer u work from office 18:00 < bridge> like a bee 18:00 < bridge> Ended up getting 4.500€ per month 18:00 < bridge> Guess I am earning good then 18:01 < bridge> Though a spanish guy can't prove that to me 18:01 < bridge> Germany has expensive workers 18:01 < bridge> That's why everyone goes to China. But China realized they drive the world. So they get more expensive too. 18:02 < bridge> That sounds like inflation 💀 18:03 < bridge> Guess I am earning good then. I don't believe you though. I will end up getting 1.500€ something after taxes. 18:04 < bridge> Guess I am earning good then. I don't believe you though. I will end up getting 1.500€ something after taxes. Expect me to pay around 1000€ for a shitty flat. And food isn't free either. 18:05 < bridge> Germany has expensive workers because everything here is expensive 18:07 < bridge> Aka money devalueing itself 18:10 < bridge> My other jobs earnings are between 28.000€ and 35.000€. I don't pay taxes on them. But I also don't get to keep it either. Can get a few € from it for myself without anyone raising their eyebrows. 18:12 < bridge> That's money you can pay with in IRL shops 18:13 < bridge> ^ That's money you can pay with in IRL shops 18:13 < bridge> A couple hundred Euros pretty much, something below 1000€ 18:36 < bridge> but u work for an argentinian company arent u 18:36 < bridge> its 12€, are u living in a cave lol 18:36 < bridge> no leaks kek 18:36 < bridge> but i get paid a above average rate in spain 18:36 < bridge> really? 18:36 < bridge> ye 18:37 < bridge> would be surprising to me, but well 18:37 < bridge> i earn about 2100€ monthly, average is 1500 18:37 < bridge> i'd ask once per year maybe if u want more 18:37 < bridge> or after the first 6 months 18:37 < bridge> well ofc depends on how many h per week 18:38 < bridge> anyway @Ryozuki 18:38 < bridge> 100% serious, your job from what u showed, sounds really cool 18:38 < bridge> 2100 net tho 18:38 < bridge> better earn few money for cool job than much for a shit one 18:38 < bridge> u only live once 18:38 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks i know 18:38 < bridge> time is more important 18:38 < bridge> i actually got offers 18:38 < bridge> for jobs at 55k 18:38 < bridge> i earn around 33k 18:38 < bridge> but i looked at em 18:38 < bridge> and they looked bland 18:38 < bridge> i rly like the company i am rn 18:39 < bridge> epic 18:39 < bridge> but for real i earn more than all my friends and family 18:39 < bridge> xd 18:39 < bridge> the only above me is my sister 18:39 < bridge> except hentai sister xD 18:39 < bridge> xDDD 18:39 < bridge> by a factor of 4x 18:39 < bridge> yes i've heard of it and seen some papers implementing it 18:40 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks is it natural to feel uneasy to ask for a raise tho? xd 18:40 < bridge> depends, if u worked well 6 months in, i'd say its ok 18:40 < bridge> today i had a meeting with my manager 18:40 < bridge> i asked how they view me and my perf 18:40 < bridge> but if u work 1 month and directly except smth its weird 18:40 < bridge> they said they consider me a above average developer 18:41 < bridge> and really good 18:41 < bridge> ez 18:41 < bridge> how long are u in? 18:41 < bridge> 6month 18:41 < bridge> 5-6 18:41 < bridge> mhh ok 18:41 < bridge> well u should try yes, 4k€ should be in i guess 18:41 < bridge> xD 18:41 < bridge> i mean for full year 18:41 < bridge> without taxes 18:41 < bridge> yeye 18:42 < bridge> but start with 6k 18:42 < bridge> maybe ill wait a bit 18:42 < bridge> then go down xD 18:42 < bridge> if u switch your job get at least 6k€ more than the previous job xD 18:42 < bridge> if i switch i probs would get 10k more 18:42 < bridge> I am old son 18:42 < bridge> how old 18:43 < bridge> but a worse job 😆 18:43 < bridge> im 22, 23 in may 18:43 < bridge> hi kid 18:43 < bridge> yeah, not everywhere u make a compiler 18:43 < bridge> im 72 soon 18:44 < bridge> 👴 18:44 < bridge> i'm almost 30 18:44 < bridge> ~~by almost i mean in two years~~ 18:44 < bridge> ur old 18:44 < bridge> im old 18:45 < bridge> im rusty 18:45 < bridge> badum tss 18:45 < bridge> he is 82 18:45 < bridge> wait. how am i 28 with only 2 years of work experience 18:45 < bridge> ryo is 22 and soon gets 32 18:46 < bridge> gen-y bro 18:46 < bridge> I think I might have sold some of my life 18:46 < bridge> the kiddos from today will be 50 when they start their first job xdd 18:46 < bridge> lol 18:46 < bridge> im 22 with 2 years already 18:46 < bridge> bruh 18:46 < bridge> @Ryozuki tryhard 18:46 < bridge> 18:46 < bridge> until 25 u get free money in germany xd 18:47 < bridge> it would be stupid to work before 18:47 < bridge> xDDDD 18:47 < bridge> I just started working and i'm already at the end of my career it feels like 18:47 < bridge> lol not here 18:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099013478884323509/504.jpg 18:47 < bridge> wat 18:48 < bridge> 18:50 < bridge> in response to this https://discord.com/channels/252358080522747904/293493549758939136/1099012737348157661 18:50 < bridge> chairn how old r u 18:52 < bridge> is old af 18:52 < bridge> i'd say 13 18:53 < bridge> 3. 18:53 < bridge> 30 18:53 < bridge> i32::max 18:53 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/how-do-you-do-fellow-kids-steve-buscemi-30rock-fellow-kids-one-of-us-gif-21904018 18:54 < bridge> my daily dose of DDoS 18:54 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099015342115803158/image.png 18:55 < bridge> i did it 18:55 < bridge> 2 emails per day, keep the tsfreddie away 18:55 < bridge> so you decide to ddos mail server in return 🤔 18:56 < bridge> sounds fair enough 😄 18:56 < bridge> they ddos my mail server additionally xD 19:06 < bridge> lmao 19:06 < bridge> i prefer he/him btw 19:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099022540606820432/Hand_Interaction.mp4 19:29 < bridge> BRO our incomming VR champion 19:29 < bridge> cool 19:32 < bridge> lmaoo idk why but this gave me an idea of doing a beyblade VR game 19:32 < bridge> the 1st object 19:33 < bridge> thanks i'll put that in our idea library 19:33 < bridge> 😆 19:33 < bridge> yugioh VR pls 19:33 < bridge> with real 3d monsters 19:34 < bridge> and pokemon 19:34 < bridge> lmaoo 19:34 < bridge> ask konami and nintendo 19:34 < bridge> ok i ask them to employee you 19:34 < bridge> :justatest: I don't want to make VR games if I can get into either of them 19:35 < bridge> at least not right now 19:35 < bridge> 💔 19:35 < bridge> @Learath2 19:35 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099025654953021470/RDT_20230421_1935089106241237567175886.jpg 19:35 < bridge> fake news 19:36 < bridge> I don't have one 19:36 < bridge> although i don't like girls anyway 19:36 < bridge> 19:37 < bridge> lmao how does that even help xDD 19:42 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLHL75H_VEM 19:43 < bridge> omg 19:43 < bridge> gold 19:44 < bridge> :justatest: man i hate that unreal is getting really good while we are stuck on optimizing for mobile chips 19:45 < bridge> unreal 5.2 looks pretty cool 19:45 < bridge> tru story 19:46 < bridge> mobile chips are just desktop chips - x years, right? So just wait a few years if you want to run it on 1 W instead of 300 W 19:46 < bridge> why use unity 19:46 < bridge> it's just easier and quicker to meet the stupid deadline the leader set 19:46 < bridge> also probably runs better on quset 2 19:46 < bridge> i want bevy to get the editor ASAP 19:47 < bridge> so gamedevs that only know how to make games with editors try rust 19:47 < bridge> and bevy is awesome itself 19:47 < bridge> https://bevyengine.org/ 19:47 < bridge> @Chairn explain why this doesnt work, u gave me a 1h presention about this xD 19:48 < bridge> https://bevyengine.org/examples/3d/3d-shapes/ 19:49 < bridge> sadly bevy uses wgpu 19:49 < bridge> it will probably not beat unreal 19:49 < bridge> https://bevyengine.org/examples/shader/shader-instancing/ 19:49 < bridge> 19:50 < bridge> also if mobile chips are capable of running unreal's desktop rendering stack like nanite and lumen in one or two years. that probably means we are already one or two years behind on building the authoring tools for XR cuz we are building them in unity 19:50 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks https://bevyengine.org/examples/stress-tests/bevymark/ 19:50 < bridge> try this 19:50 < bridge> click 19:50 < bridge> stress test 19:50 < bridge> i am capped to 240hz xd 19:50 < bridge> with 40000 i get 60 fps 19:50 < bridge> its wasm tho 19:50 < bridge> i'd rather use godot if we need a custom engine:troll: 19:51 < bridge> godot will not be as perfomant 19:51 < bridge> cool 😄 19:51 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks u can do custom render drivers iirc 19:51 < bridge> https://github.com/hakolao/bevy_vulkano 19:51 < bridge> :brownbear: C++ runs fine 19:51 < bridge> i get 80fps 19:51 < bridge> nobo nvidia 19:51 < bridge> i am on windows rn tho 19:51 < bridge> cuz i played ff 19:52 < bridge> so not my self compiled firefox 19:52 < bridge> ah firefox ofc slower 19:52 < bridge> i use chromium 19:53 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/anime-gun-rain-gun-point-gif-14458931 19:54 < bridge> anything would be better than C# anyway 19:54 < bridge> c# is a wanna be rust 19:54 < bridge> with its unsafe keyword 19:54 < bridge> kekw 19:54 < bridge> i did use unsafe once 19:54 < bridge> u need unsafe to stack allocate 19:54 < bridge> vulkano is also not vulkan tho xd 19:54 < bridge> for sharing data between burst and .net 19:55 < bridge> @TsFreddie never used spans? 19:55 < bridge> burst doesn't support span 19:58 < bridge> hmm not really no 19:59 < bridge> they have different pipeline and architecture 19:59 < bridge> obviously, they are optimized for efficiency rather than raw performances 20:05 < bridge> "and the density of transistors is so small that they have more power desentiy than nuclear power already which makes it less headroom for improvement" - Chairn 20:08 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099033975294529546/2023-04-22_02-06-17.mp4 20:08 < bridge> imagine spending a month just to make hands 20:08 < bridge> for hpc only though 20:09 < bridge> ez 20:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099034530108690552/image.png 20:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1099041195579154503/IMG_20230422_023706_880.jpg 20:37 < bridge> keep the memes coming 21:13 < bridge> Thanks @Ryozuki I actually fixed my Unicode with issue with the lib you recommended. Also thanks @heinrich5991 for adding the rust bridge it’s super neat! I kinda abused it as a package manager. Since rust has a solid one and c++ basically doesn’t. I wonder if you have any recommendations for git conflict driven development. I had to edit around 4 rust files and I will get 100% a conflict on next merge with ddnet when some new rust stuff 21:13 < bridge> no abuse here 21:13 < bridge> legit use 21:13 < bridge> and im glad 21:13 < bridge> rust is better 21:14 < bridge> Width issue\* 21:15 < bridge> I mean I basically just use a rust crate in c++ no own rust code. So that’s why I mean abuse. 21:24 < bridge> its ok 21:24 < bridge> ur using a rust crate because its better 21:24 < bridge> thats already valid 21:24 < bridge> :gigachad: 21:27 < bridge> damn, the more i hear Ryozuki talk about rust, the more i believe that rust developpers are the equivalent of french people 21:29 < bridge> LOL 21:42 < bridge> 30/70 21:48 < bridge> the opposite, rust devs want to work until they die, french dont want to work so long xdd 21:48 < bridge> the opposite, rust devs want to work until they die(just with rust), french dont want to work so long xdd 21:49 < bridge> both are (supposedly for french though) arrogant as fuck 21:49 < bridge> whats french ppl 21:49 < bridge> it's a legend 21:49 < bridge> feared among europeans 21:49 < bridge> its not arrogant if true 21:49 < bridge> when france coughes, europe catches a cold 21:49 < bridge> :justatest: 21:50 < bridge> least based rust dev 21:50 < bridge> macron démission 21:51 < bridge> rust devs are the reason why i dont want to code in rust 21:51 < bridge> :pepe_angry: 21:51 < bridge> :gigachad: 21:51 < bridge> ur lose 21:51 < bridge> and the users of ur software memory safety lost 21:52 < bridge> :NekoDrink: 21:52 < bridge> :drinkblob: 21:52 < bridge> @Voxel im just like u with ai 21:52 < bridge> lemme be 21:52 < bridge> :cammostripes: 21:52 < bridge> now we're even 21:53 < bridge> thanks for the money by the way 21:53 < bridge> is there any ai lib for Rust? 21:53 < bridge> i mean i paid u for art 21:53 < bridge> why are french arrogant for the protest? 21:53 < bridge> i'd say they are stupid 21:53 < bridge> if u want to to stop work, u have to make robots doing the work 21:54 < bridge> that you didnt even bother to impliment 21:54 < bridge> very simply 21:54 < bridge> very simple 21:54 < bridge> thats on me tho xd 21:54 < bridge> but i get u probs wanted to see it used 21:54 < bridge> im sry 21:54 < bridge> its fine 21:54 < bridge> such is the life of a crazy protrammer 21:54 < bridge> take ur time 21:54 < bridge> lots of side projects 21:54 < bridge> none finished 21:54 < bridge> you mean like humanity has been doing since industrial revolution? 21:55 < bridge> they did it partially at least yeah 21:55 < bridge> but we produce to much shit xD 21:55 < bridge> its crazy the plastic 21:55 < bridge> lot of small food enveloped 23:29 < bridge> i see u are a subway master