10:03 <+ChillerDragon> XXLTomate are you some og player back from xxlddrace64 times? 10:04 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1681459484.png 10:04 <+ChillerDragon> poggies 10:05 < bridge> whay 10:05 < bridge> what 10:05 <+ChillerDragon> wot 10:05 < bridge> irc chat? 10:05 <+ChillerDragon> he just rejoined and i realized some og tw legend is lurking here 10:05 <+ChillerDragon> irc chat is almost as good as club penguin messenger 11:30 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks how to make clang use clang libc 11:30 < bridge> and not gcc 11:30 < bridge> cmake 11:35 < jupstar> linker flags: -stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi also used -stdlib=libc++ for cpp, dunno if neeeded tho 11:36 < bridge> I'm surprised to report that our graphics backend is more reliable than factorio's πŸ˜„ 11:37 < bridge> How so 11:37 < bridge> But ours is so simplistic. I'm more surprised how often it not works xd 11:37 < bridge> Factorio will only run fine after I completely restart X11 unless I use the software renderer. No matter whether I do PRIME offloading to the gpu or just use the igpu 11:38 < bridge> Theirs doesn't even launch, stuck at a blackscreen loading 11:38 < bridge> okay they actually say u need gcc i think to compile llvm 11:38 < bridge> If software rendering works. It's driver xddd 11:38 < bridge> Whaaat fbi bro 11:39 < bridge> ok no 11:39 < bridge> i must be missing smth idk 11:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096369054895317004/image.png 11:39 < bridge> It could be, but no idea at what point. It doesn't even crash or generate any errors anywhere 11:39 < bridge> what do i need for libomp 11:39 < bridge> Do they use ogl? 11:39 < bridge> Funny both the iGPU and the nvidia driver are both broken the exact same way, makes me suspect X more tbf 11:39 < bridge> Or better, do they use not Vulkan and not dx12 11:39 < bridge> Yeah gl3.3 and above on linux 11:39 < bridge> Ah fair point yeah 11:40 < bridge> Nvidia drivers are rarely broken actually 11:40 < bridge> Seems like they have enough tests xd 11:41 < bridge> Uff i can't remember. But i also used it once 11:41 < bridge> i never had issues with fac 11:41 < bridge> Tho it made my loop slower sad 11:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096369684028325898/image.png 11:45 < bridge> could it be 11:45 < bridge> my glibc is bad or smth 11:46 < bridge> Yeah yeah the good old struggle with c 11:47 < bridge> ``` 11:47 < bridge> ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: std::__glibcxx_assert_fail(char const*, int, char const*, char const*) 11:47 < bridge> >>> referenced by atomic_base.h:485 (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12/include/g++-v12/bits/atomic_base.h:485) 11:47 < bridge> >>> projects/openmp/runtime/src/CMakeFiles/omp.dir/kmp_csupport.cpp.o:(__kmpc_critical_with_hint) 11:47 < bridge> >>> referenced by atomic_base.h:486 (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12/include/g++-v12/bits/atomic_base.h:486) 11:47 < bridge> >>> projects/openmp/runtime/src/CMakeFiles/omp.dir/kmp_csupport.cpp.o:(__kmpc_critical_with_hint) 11:47 < bridge> >>> referenced by atomic_base.h:485 (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12/include/g++-v12/bits/atomic_base.h:485) 11:47 < bridge> >>> projects/openmp/runtime/src/CMakeFiles/omp.dir/kmp_csupport.cpp.o:(__kmpc_critical_with_hint) 11:47 < bridge> >>> referenced 419 more times 11:47 < bridge> clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 11:47 < bridge> ``` 11:47 < bridge> Sometimes I feel computers do it on purpose. 11:47 < bridge> C coder struggles with rust. 11:47 < bridge> Rust coder with c. 11:48 < bridge> Non graphics ppl with GPU drivers. 11:48 < bridge> Java coders with everything 11:48 < bridge> Actually nvm, maybe this computer is just too broken of a setup 11:48 < bridge> Even ddnet doesn't start now πŸ˜› 11:48 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks how can I pick a gpu? 11:49 < bridge> Settings -> graphics 11:49 < bridge> If u mean ddnet 11:49 < bridge> doesn't ever start, so I need a way to pick before I start 11:50 < jupstar_> VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/llvm.json ./DDNet could work for forcing software renderer (lavapipe) i dunno exactly how the .json is called tho 11:51 < jupstar_> might also be in /etc/vulkan or smth 11:54 < bridge> hm, `LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 ./DDNet "gfx_backend opengl"` works fine, I'm guessing I somehow broke the driver 11:54 < bridge> do u use nvidia 11:54 < bridge> r u on gentoo 11:54 < bridge> am on artix on this laptop 11:54 < bridge> rebuild the nvidia driver after kernel upgrade 11:55 < bridge> idk artix 11:55 < bridge> i dont use normie distros 11:55 < bridge> im a gentoo gentleman 11:55 < bridge> :BASEDDEPT: 11:55 < bridge> I think the issue is the prime offloading, if I try to do anything on the dgpu I have to restart the computer or neither the igpu nor the dgpu works 11:55 < bridge> whats prime 11:55 < bridge> ah laptop shenanigans 11:56 < bridge> Yeah pepew 11:56 < bridge> maybe it's some power management issue idk 11:56 < bridge> but why would running sth on the dgpu break both i and dgpu 11:57 < bridge> closed hardware problems 11:57 < bridge> if hardware was open source drivers would be easier to make 11:57 < bridge> blame society 11:57 < bridge> not building libomp seems to allow me to compile 11:58 < bridge> but this grinds my gears 12:23 < bridge> im glad with my new cooling 12:23 < bridge> 80C stable 12:23 < bridge> compiling llvm for 10 mins 12:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096380300457680957/image.png 12:24 < bridge> I still find it rather high tbh 12:24 < bridge> My cpu cools better xd 12:24 < bridge> idk this is the best i got xd 12:24 < bridge> i have a hyper 210 i think 12:24 < bridge> I have dark be quite rock pro 3 12:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096380565504143360/2Q.png 12:24 < bridge> this 12:25 < bridge> with a noctua fan instead 12:25 < bridge> Ok mine is like double as big xd 12:25 < bridge> xd 12:25 < bridge> this one is old 12:25 < bridge> ive been using since long 12:25 < bridge> its quite big length wise 12:25 < bridge> as in 12:25 < bridge> it nearly hits the case wall vertically 12:26 < bridge> but i guess i can get a bigger one to the sides 12:26 < bridge> + 2 fans? idk if thats worth 12:26 < bridge> https://c.scdn.gr/images/sku_main_images/004334/4334627/20180103131349_be_quiet_dark_rock_pro_3.jpeg 12:26 < bridge> That's mine xd 12:27 < bridge> U need more radiator space not more fans 12:27 < bridge> I got 2 chunky fans in the front glass panel 12:27 < bridge> powering a radiation going full height 12:27 < bridge> powering a radiator going full height 12:28 < bridge> exhaust fans are important too 12:28 < bridge> my pc is quite dirty also the front is open cuz things 12:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096381426183704586/bd09f597-37d9-44a4-bbe5-c34ca27e0933.png 12:28 < bridge> or else you keep the warmth in the PC 12:28 < bridge> damn boi 12:28 < bridge> and dont @ me for cable management 12:28 < bridge> im lazy 12:28 < bridge> The reason why water cooling works so great isn't BCS water leads heat better than metal, but BCS u move the heat away and have big ass radiators with like 3 fans that cool the heat awaay 12:28 < bridge> random cables at the front 12:28 < bridge> no cable management in the back 12:29 < bridge> Ryozuki is a nerd indeed 12:29 < bridge> this case is quite bad for cable management 12:29 < bridge> and im lazy to get a new one and change everything 12:29 < bridge> Looks neat tho 12:29 < bridge> I don't see my glass panel. So idc 12:29 < bridge> Xd 12:29 < bridge> xd 12:29 < bridge> yeah who cares 12:30 < bridge> cable management is only good for instagram gamer girls 12:30 < bridge> XDD 12:30 < bridge> Tru story 12:30 < bridge> Well I have good cpu cable management BCS it was in the way 12:30 < bridge> But GPU is just plugged in 12:30 < bridge> So llvm can't compile itself? 12:30 < bridge> i got llvm to compile 12:30 < bridge> but i couldnt add the libomp target 12:30 < bridge> or the libc target 12:31 < bridge> idk 12:31 < bridge> llvm are lot of components 12:31 < bridge> > LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS A semicolon-delimited list selecting which of the other LLVM subprojects to additionally build. (Only effective when using a side-by-side project layout e.g. via git). The default list is empty. Can include: clang, clang-tools-extra, cross-project-tests, flang, libc, libclc, lld, lldb, mlir, openmp, polly, or pstl. 12:31 < bridge> ``` 12:31 < bridge> cmake -S llvm -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=ON \ 12:31 < bridge> -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lld;mlir;clang-tools-extra;lldb" \ 12:31 < bridge> -DLLVM_USE_LINKER=lld \ 12:32 < bridge> -DLLVM_USE_SPLIT_DWARF=ON \ 12:32 < bridge> -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \ 12:32 < bridge> -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON \ 12:32 < bridge> -DLLVM_CCACHE_BUILD=ON 12:32 < bridge> ``` 12:32 < bridge> i compiled with this 12:32 < bridge> oh 12:32 < bridge> maybe i need polly too 12:32 < bridge> fck 12:32 < bridge> oh ez 12:33 < bridge> ccache poggies 12:33 < bridge> polly is the sauce 12:33 < bridge> https://polly.llvm.org/ 12:33 < bridge> Polly is a high-level loop and data-locality optimizer and optimization infrastructure for LLVM. It uses an abstract mathematical representation based on integer polyhedra to analyze and optimize the memory access pattern of a program. We currently perform classical loop transformations, especially tiling and loop fusion to improve data-locality. Polly can also exploit OpenMP level parallelism, expose SIMDization opportunities. 12:47 < bridge> This is the most annoying thing ever to debug. If I ever try to run anything on the nvidia gpu I have to reboot or no gfx driver will work 12:48 < bridge> No X error, no mesa error, no libgl error, nothing in dmesg 12:49 < bridge> And ddnet vk will use the dgpu without any special environment settings, so that also breaks everything. I can see why linux on laptops is still annoying for people 13:10 < bridge> Sounds horrible indeed. The whole dual GPU situation is out of control anyway 13:14 < bridge> if I'm completely lost debugging it I can see most people just giving up and installing windows or just using the dgpu and wasting their battery 13:16 < bridge> But maybe with some user friendly distro this wouldn't have happened xd 13:16 < bridge> Funnily enough I don't have any dual GPU laptop 13:17 < bridge> Even tho in my family we have quite a few. But gamer laptops disable the igpu often 13:17 < bridge> Probably to evade trouble like this 13:17 < bridge> actually might be worth trying, I wonder if it happens on ubuntu or pop os 14:30 < bridge> very generous 14:30 < bridge> :Cashyx: 14:34 < bridge> :NekoDrink: 14:34 < bridge> so u remember my name 14:34 < bridge> i didnt mention there i was Ryozuki cuz i forgot xD 14:36 < bridge> Hentai money from @Ryozuki 14:37 < bridge> this is my own mony 14:37 < bridge> Was 14:37 < bridge> :ddnet: 14:37 < bridge> Ryozuki also draws hentai 14:37 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks do u know if https://chat.openai.com/ is using gtp4? 14:37 < bridge> i can ask for free 14:38 < bridge> It has an option in paid version 14:38 < bridge> But not in free 14:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096414092564119602/image.png 14:38 < bridge> f 14:38 < bridge> i think ill try for 1 month 14:38 < bridge> And u have like 25 requests every 3h with it 14:38 < bridge> wait 14:38 < bridge> paid is just 25 questions? 14:38 < bridge> Gpt4 14:38 < bridge> Gpt3.5 infinite 14:39 < bridge> meh not worth 14:40 < bridge> Are u chatting so much with it? 14:41 < bridge> Tho I don't want to judge if it's worth it at all xd 14:41 < bridge> just wanted to know how good upgrade gpt4 is 14:41 < bridge> xd 14:43 < bridge> U probs won't notice it with normal chatting 14:43 < bridge> It's a bit better in being accurate 14:53 < bridge> it should take longer to reply than 3.5 tho 14:58 < bridge> Thanks @Ryozuki ! 14:58 < bridge> :brownbear: 16:15 < bridge> That's my dusty PC xdd 16:15 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096438500276052008/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_16524299-c4d9-45a4-a12e-19478006a25e.jpg 16:18 < bridge> lmao 16:19 < bridge> Upgraded from 3800x to 3950x xD 16:19 < bridge> Got a chip cheap in eBay 16:23 < bridge> lol 16:23 < bridge> why not 5x 16:24 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096440743293358160/image.png 16:24 < bridge> actually wanted new gen, but its so expensive rn 16:24 < bridge> 16:24 < bridge> and 5000 series gives like 20% more perf for 130€ more 16:24 < bridge> so wasnt really worth it imo 16:30 < bridge> that's not dust, it's volcanic ash from your gpu 16:31 < bridge> that GPU is hanging 16:32 < bridge> all your setups are utter shit 16:32 < bridge> help!!! me ban 16:33 < bridge> help me< they gave me a ban for nothing 16:33 < bridge> This is where we talk about the develoupment of the game. If you're looking to appeal a ban, contact a moderator in another channel. 16:34 < bridge> dont pung 16:34 < bridge> dont ping. 16:40 < bridge> Ye ur gpu seems to be at an angle πŸ˜„ 16:52 < bridge> yeah its too heavy, after a while they deform a bit πŸ˜„ 17:02 < bridge> without rust bridge: 17:02 < bridge> ninja 216,82s user 13,27s system 2563% cpu 8,975 total 17:02 < bridge> nice 17:02 < bridge> around 4 seconds faster i think 17:19 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks i think ur gpu is smaller than mine 17:19 < bridge> 😏 17:23 < bridge> Since I've seen and build in a 4090 i know how insanely large these beasts are xD 17:23 < bridge> i also built a 4090 17:23 < bridge> on my sisters pc 17:24 < bridge> :justatest: 17:24 < bridge> idk if its justified them being so big tho 17:25 < bridge> My friends 4090 coolers don't even go on xD 17:25 < bridge> The passiv cooling is so good already at this size 17:26 < bridge> yeah i didnt see the fans go on 17:26 < bridge> xd 17:26 < bridge> at full load 60C 17:26 < bridge> well full load here being playing cyberpunk 18:02 < bridge> Your sister gaminger? 18:02 < bridge> (@Ryozuki) 18:02 < bridge> not ddnet tho 18:02 < bridge> my family knows i play this "game about balls moving" 18:02 < bridge> Even better only vanilla teeworlds 18:02 < bridge> but thats it sadly 18:03 < bridge> Xd 18:03 < bridge> Did you pitch it? 18:03 < bridge> i showed it xd 18:03 < bridge> Nobody started playing? 18:03 < bridge> ofc i also flaunted "hey look, i contributed to this game" 18:03 < bridge> but well they just say "oh nice" 18:03 < bridge> My granny is multimap main 18:03 < bridge> nah 18:04 < bridge> I get asked on a daily Basis β€ždid you build this?β€œ when playin tw in Publix 18:04 < bridge> what 18:04 < bridge> why would they ask that 18:05 < bridge> Idk maybe they think if it’s not self made why would anyone play Kirby in 2023 18:05 < bridge> And I have glasses 18:05 < bridge> So I lok. snort 18:05 < bridge> i dont think glasses mean smart anymore 18:05 < bridge> and i do too 18:05 < bridge> Sad 18:06 < bridge> just open ur linux terminal 18:06 < bridge> and type 18:06 < bridge> cmatrix 18:06 < bridge> Ez 18:06 < bridge> Then they ask if I hack nsa 18:06 < bridge> Also get that a lot actually 18:06 < bridge> Im not even kidding for both 18:07 < bridge> Go make ur sister play tw or nob 18:07 < bridge> How many tw users did u recruit Alr? 18:33 < bridge> 0 19:09 < bridge> help me 19:16 < bridge> https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=6048 21:52 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 21:52 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 21:52 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 21:52 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 21:57 < bridge> :justatest: 22:05 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096526540092751972/DDNet_0DNJDDcNa9.mp4 22:05 < bridge> since sometime yesterday ddnet has been failing to start 22:05 < bridge> i can't even step into ddnet code 22:05 < bridge> don't know what's going on 22:06 < bridge> who the hell sends video of their ide? 22:06 < bridge> what kind of psycho sends a video of their ide? 22:07 < bridge> me 22:07 < bridge> error comes from `priv_net_create_socket` in src/base/system.cpp 22:07 < bridge> idk enough about network to debug very much 22:08 < bridge> we'd rather deal with error message than video... I can't even zoom on the video to see what is written down there 22:08 < bridge> oh really 22:08 < bridge> my bad 22:09 < bridge> think of people not having 4k monitors please 22:09 < bridge> ``` 22:09 < bridge> 2023-04-14 14:09:08 I net: failed to bind socket with domain 2 and type 2 (10048 'Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. ') 22:09 < bridge> 2023-04-14 14:09:08 I net: failed to bind socket with domain 23 and type 2 (10049 'The requested address is not valid in its context. ') 22:09 < bridge> ``` 22:09 < bridge> it's not that serious man 22:10 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096527951765455051/image.png 22:12 < bridge> Do you have a line starting with `bindaddr` in your config? If so, remove that line. 22:14 < bridge> mm is there a way to dump loaded configs 22:16 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:16 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:16 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:16 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:16 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:16 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:16 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:16 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:16 < bridge> lmfao 22:16 < bridge> it works 22:16 < bridge> thanks Phish Bot 22:16 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:16 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:16 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:16 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:17 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:17 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:17 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:17 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:18 < bridge> i get no text matches anywhere a cfg would be 22:18 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1096529917740589136/image.png 22:18 < bridge> but idk how to check otherwise 22:20 < bridge> Open `settings_ddnet.cfg` with a text editor and search for the text 22:20 < bridge> yeah it's not there 22:20 < bridge> i checked that one by hand 22:20 < bridge> Then it's something wrong with your network 22:20 < bridge> dang 22:21 < bridge> that's really weird because nothing to my knowledge has changed since it worked 22:21 < bridge> i started it & was ingame and yesterday i wanted to get another client in so i could /practice but it was doing this 22:22 < bridge> for the fun of it i tried disabling the VPN (which is working on a whitelist rn which ddnet *is not on*) and it works 22:23 < bridge> yeah, it has been reported before that the client doesn't start when you are connected to a VPN 22:23 < bridge> maybe something you can change in your VPN settings 22:23 < bridge> well that's the thing it should be unaffected 22:25 < bridge> Maybe your client tries to bind to the VPN network adapter and can't 22:25 < bridge> You could try setting the bindaddr to the address of your normal LAN/WLAN network adapter 22:26 < bridge> Try to start DDNet with `DDNet "bindaddr"` (with your local IP address) 22:38 < bridge> no dice 22:38 < bridge> it works when on the vpn blacklist but i have it whitelist mode since that works way better for be 22:38 < bridge> it works when on the vpn blacklist but i have it whitelist mode since that works way better for me 22:38 < bridge> messed up 22:39 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:39 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:39 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:39 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:42 < bridge> Zwelf\: maybe u can ban the guy, seems like he automatically retries spamming ^^ 22:47 < bridge> whats advantage of using temporary range loops instead of traditional range loop? 22:49 < bridge> not an advantage but defference 22:49 < bridge> can u give example code 22:49 < bridge> difference* 22:50 < bridge> iterating over pointer array 22:51 < bridge> ```cpp 22:51 < bridge> DummyStruct *Dummies[8] = {0} 22:51 < bridge> for (auto& Dummy : Dummies) 22:51 < bridge> std::cout << (Dummy == 0) << std::endl; 22:51 < bridge> for (auto Dummy : Dummies) 22:51 < bridge> std::cout << (Dummy == 0) << std::endl; 22:51 < bridge> ``` 22:52 < bridge> in this specific case there is no advantage 22:52 < bridge> 22:52 < bridge> the compiler might create the same code for both 22:53 < bridge> a const reference to a pointer or a copy to a pointer is the sameℒ️ 22:53 < bridge> except u access its address ofc πŸ˜„ 22:54 < bridge> yeah the main usage is to check if there any object and to get any value it contains 22:54 < bridge> more problematic is if its an array of objects 22:54 < bridge> or an array of vectors etc 22:54 < bridge> than u create temporary copies 22:55 < bridge> yup there shouldn't be any problem with array of pointers then 22:55 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:55 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:55 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:55 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:55 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:55 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:55 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:55 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:56 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:56 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:56 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:56 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 22:56 < bridge> thanks @Jupeyy_Keks <3 22:59 < bridge> "I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 72hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested send me a direct message https://t.me/victormarck by asking me HOW 22:59 < bridge> **#### 🚨 Telegram Scam Link Detected 🚨** 22:59 < bridge> **##### A message has been detected to contain a problematic link. We recommend not pressing any links within the message.** 22:59 < bridge> **###### If this is a false positive, please let us know by joining our support server through the command `!phish support`** 23:01 < bridge> @Zwelf