00:37 < bridge> open chrome with special conf 00:37 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1087882782744772658/image.png 00:37 < bridge> open chrome with special conf 00:38 < bridge> what is this empty class supposed to do? :/ 00:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1087882884486008852/image.png 00:38 < bridge> it's supposed to do nothing 00:38 < bridge> you can check the `#ifdef` above to see what it's supposed to do when discord support is compiled in 00:56 < bridge> works now? 01:00 < bridge> no, I don't see the CORS header in `curl -I 'https://ddnet.org/players/?json2=UnlucksMcGee'` 11:15 < bridge> fixed, didn't realize that only one location-block can apply in nginx config 12:42 < bridge> https://andrew-quinn.me/fzf/ 12:59 < bridge> https://t.me/Stevecoldham001 15:44 < bridge> https://github.blog/2023-03-22-github-copilot-x-the-ai-powered-developer-experience/ 15:57 < bridge> Can confirm it's working, thank you! 16:56 <+ChillerDragon> @Ryozuki ye fzf is the best 17:05 <+ChillerDragon> @Ryozuki try this in ddnet/src xd ``vim $(m="$(rg -n . | fzf)";echo "$m" | cut -d':' -f1;printf +;echo "$m" | cut -d':' -f2)`` 17:13 < bridge> wtf 17:13 < bridge> when will the gameskin svg be added 17:13 <+ChillerDragon> never it virus 17:13 <+ChillerDragon> axaxax 17:13 < bridge> u 17:14 < bridge> also remind me when i get home to fix the uhh 17:14 <+ChillerDragon> i asked you for a change and u ghosted me since december 22 17:14 < bridge> emote svg 17:50 < bridge> @Learath2 do u use VS? 17:51 < bridge> God no, I would never touch auch awful software 17:52 < bridge> so u don't know how to do that right? 17:52 < bridge> -Open your project in Visual Studio. 17:52 < bridge> -Right-click on the project name in the Solution Explorer. 17:52 < bridge> -Select Properties. 17:52 < bridge> -Select Linker and then Input. 17:52 < bridge> -In the Additional Dependencies section, add discord-rpc.lib as a dependency. 17:52 < bridge> -Click OK to save the changes. 17:53 < bridge> because not being a real Visual Studio project, these buttons don't exist 17:53 < bridge> It wouldn't work anyway. Cmake dictates our linking, we dont even have a vs project 17:54 < bridge> does vs not come with cmake support? 17:54 < bridge> I'd guess they do 17:58 < bridge> Not sure if it can edit our cmakelists to add a dependency 17:58 < bridge> I doubt it's that well integrated 17:58 < bridge> oh, I misunderstood 17:59 < bridge> I fully agree with that statement, in light of my earlier misunderstanding 18:14 < bridge> it's amazing how much ddnet code can confuse me 18:15 < bridge> Does anyone know how discord RPC built into the code should work? 18:15 < bridge> it's in src/engine/client/discord.cpp 18:16 < bridge> it only exposes a `Init`, `Update`, `SetGameInfo` and `ClearGameInfo` function 18:18 < bridge> can you ask more specific questions or say what I should talk about? 18:58 < bridge> they are all empty methods apart from those in the ifdef that I don't understand, then if I remove the calls to the functions I don't know how but the rich present continues to show on my discord, and even if it is shown it is without an image or anything else 19:06 < bridge> you have to understand how remote procedure calls works 19:09 < bridge> I run to read me something thanks 19:09 < bridge> the ones in the #ifdef are those that are called 19:10 < bridge> if discord support is compiled in 20:14 < bridge> @ChillerDragon i replied bb 20:14 < bridge> you know i love y 21:04 < bridge> why my Rich Present is like that 21:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1088191388836974693/image.png 21:04 < bridge> why my Rich Present is like this 21:04 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1088191388836974693/image.png 21:05 < bridge> of the regular game without edit 21:05 < bridge> perhaps discord is noticing that a game is running 21:05 < bridge> without any rpc 21:05 < bridge> mhh 21:06 < bridge> ok it's because I had registered the game, but if I remove it it doesn't come out automatically 22:05 < bridge> I thiiink I got mingw working, it was a little annoying to get rust to link with the mingw we are compiling with instead of the one they bundle 22:06 < bridge> @heinrich5991 Q: Could there be an issue with our dependency tree or does everything need to wait on `libddnet_engine_shared.a`? 22:09 < bridge> the final linking needs to wait for that 22:09 < bridge> other than that, no 22:09 < bridge> I slightly remember that there was something weird about cmake dependencies 22:10 < bridge> but I don't remember it accurately 22:10 < bridge> mh, maybe it's my vm but the entire build stopped waiting for cargo to be done 22:10 < bridge> ah 22:10 < bridge> maybe because cargo needs the console? 22:10 < bridge> that'd suck 22:11 < bridge> Okay I got it compiling with mingw so that's good, I'll document the process tomorrow 22:13 < bridge> cool 🙂 22:14 < bridge> i think it's just appearance problem on the console 22:14 < bridge> even though rust is running, it still compiles c++ but cannot echo line of compiled file 22:14 < bridge> No, when cargo was done nothing had progressed, it was a slow sync because bad internet 22:14 < bridge> ah 22:14 < bridge> cargo might be slow due to the git index 22:14 < bridge> use sparse index 22:14 < bridge> its new 22:14 < bridge> that's what it appears to be doing on my windows setup 22:15 < bridge> it might just be hyper-v weirdness with multithreading 23:15 < bridge> @Learath2 lol 23:15 < bridge> this guy is doing us dirty i think 23:15 < bridge> he made a way to show this code to all ppl 23:15 < bridge> probs his bot client 23:15 < bridge> well its spam 23:16 < bridge> Looks like he is just changing the name of the client and stuff 23:17 < bridge> lmao wtf is he doing 23:17 < bridge> rebranding the ddnet client for now 😛 23:41 < bridge> LOL