11:17 < bridge> https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Shitty_Wizard 11:17 < bridge> Relevant to programmers kek 11:19 < bridge> Voice message.ogg 11:19 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1082970912674025472/Voice_message.ogg 12:57 < bridge> isnt this year ddnet 10th birthday? 13:02 <+ChillerDragon> yea seems about right given that the first finish of deen is 2013 https://ddnet.org/players/deen/ 13:04 < bridge> deen should know the date 13:04 < bridge> will there big birthday event? 13:05 < bridge> https://wiki.ddnet.org/index.php?title=Timeline&oldid=6579 13:06 < bridge> the wiki says it's 2013-07-18 13:17 <+ChillerDragon> multimap is hard 13:17 <+ChillerDragon> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1678277615.png 13:46 < bridge> Whenever I talked shit about this dude people came in to defend him. Look at what he created... 13:51 < bridge> xd sure chillerbot.png is lyfe 14:22 < bridge> I was always wondering: why don't we have a tile-size option in the editor so it's possible to map smaller/bigger tiles then the default? 14:23 < bridge> Hm, what do you mean? 14:23 < bridge> Teeworlds supports only one tile size 14:23 < bridge> for example, you use a tilelayer in the background with parallax, but since it's "further away" you want smaller tiles for a better distance effect 14:25 < bridge> Hm, is this currently doable? I don't know if we have zoom levels for layers 14:25 < bridge> It might require a map format change again 14:26 < bridge> We have zoom layers, but it's documented nowhere, I managed to break it and it's unclear to me how to map with it what I want to 14:27 <+ChillerDragon> wait what you can zoom tiles? 14:27 < bridge> in the editor, yes 14:27 <+ChillerDragon> how o.O 14:28 < bridge> group->custom zoom, press zoom button on editor top (next to grid) 14:30 <+ChillerDragon> indeed i did not know that thats fancy 14:30 <+ChillerDragon> so you want to se a size of the tile instead of a general zoom? how is that even different 14:31 < bridge> parallax 14:31 < bridge> you can for example put smaller tiles in your fg 14:31 < bridge> or do some detail work in different sizes 14:32 < bridge> or the zoom in the bg doesn't make my tiles small enough, but I can't control it's value 14:32 <+ChillerDragon> a 14:32 < bridge> and working with parallax and zoom is really REALLY confusing 14:32 <+ChillerDragon> so you need more fine grained control 14:33 <+ChillerDragon> does that thing even work? do clients see it resized in game? 14:34 < bridge> oh no, they don't ?! 14:34 < bridge> Now I don't get this feature at all 14:35 < bridge> Do you think I could open a discussion? I would be willing to implement it as well 14:35 < bridge> Do you think I should open a discussion? I would be willing to implement it as well 14:37 <+ChillerDragon> If it does not get applied to the actual map file then it is probably some ddnet editor shinanigan and not supported by the current map format. 14:37 <+ChillerDragon> If that is the case one would have to create a new map format. 14:38 <+ChillerDragon> when having map format questions always ping patiga he is the guru 14:40 < bridge> does the map format never receive updates? Also makes me question slicing, as if it's also "hacked in" 14:40 < bridge> @Patiga ping 😄 14:41 <+ChillerDragon> most of the map updates cause compatibilty break so old clients can not load the new maps 14:42 <+ChillerDragon> like for example the ddnet client not being able to load maps made with a 0.7 client (yet) 14:43 < bridge> if you change tile size, it can only be a visual (detail) layer and could therefore be only marked as detail and maybe not even served for other clients (or they ignore it) 14:45 < bridge> "but Assa, people will draw over gamelayers with half tile size" 🤔 14:47 <+ChillerDragon> serving two map files is actually what is being done with 0.7 maps on bridge servers but adding yet another map format is additional complexity im sure there will be some backlash 14:48 < bridge> The idea is, that you expand the map file format but only in ways which get ignored by other clients, you can't load a ddnet map with a 0.7 client anyway (at least fully, missing layers like tele-layer) 14:49 < bridge> I think you can mostly load a ddnet map in 0.7 14:49 < bridge> only the tilesets are missing 14:50 <+ChillerDragon> yea this way is fine but not the other way around 14:51 < bridge> multimap: telelayers are missing, probably other stuff, too, sound layers get ingored 14:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1083024192338935818/screenshot_2023-03-08_14-50-24.png 14:51 < bridge> multimap: telelayers are missing, probably other stuff, too. I know from my material experiments that sound layers get ingored entirely 14:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1083024192338935818/screenshot_2023-03-08_14-50-24.png 14:54 < bridge> So we could just let the clients which can't load a map with that feature ignore a non-default-tile size and force it as detail for now 16:34 < bridge> I will be quite busy around that time, so can't organize anything 17:37 < bridge> A couple months ago I asked for a way to diagnose a stutter, I remember getting some good advice but I can't find it by searching :/ 17:37 < bridge> So anyone any good ideas on how to diagnose a stutter with no apparent reason? 17:41 < bridge> . 17:42 < bridge> Aha, thanks. So I was going to grab an old version that doesn't stutter and use the benchmarking tools 19:47 < bridge> What about asking some other guys to organize it? 21:23 < bridge> you could do that, yes 21:23 < bridge> or help organizing something 🙂 21:24 < bridge> I was thinking of a maybe a little bit more known person 21:25 < bridge> Someone who has been some time around and has gathered some trust 21:25 < bridge> But i have an idea 21:26 < bridge> Replace the map on Reis server with an older blmap so the players will have a flashback when joining 21:26 < bridge> v2 or something 21:27 < bridge> And then for normal maps ask some of the peak mappers for torunament map 21:28 < bridge> Maybe do a brainstorming session with some mods mappers if they get a nice idea 21:28 < bridge> Theoretically, I could host another server with the database of my BlmapChill server and F-DDrace mod 21:29 < bridge> Yeah 21:29 < bridge> And then do a nice anniversary background for the menu 21:29 < bridge> first ddnet map as tournament 21:29 < bridge> which is the first map released on ddnet? i think its probably multiple 21:30 < bridge> first one that is not from ddmax 21:30 < bridge> Ah yes bring map the old multi easy map 21:30 < bridge> ddmax maps got released way after ddnets release 21:30 < bridge> /map Mutlimap 21:30 < bridge> i have no idea, there must be some first map xd 21:30 < bridge> Multimap* 21:30 < bridge> And then do a big callback on skype and Facebook and whatnot for the retired players 21:31 < bridge> Yea, but I think multiple maps got released at once in the beginning. DDmaX lived for about 1-2 years after ddnet started 21:31 < bridge> Challenge is deens first finish 21:31 < bridge> https://ddnet.org/mappreview/?map=Challenge 21:31 < bridge> awesome map for a tournament xD 21:31 < bridge> And then ask the streamers which have some streaming experience for streaming events, so the retired who dont actually play can still watch 21:32 < bridge> And then do a second torunament for gores 21:32 < bridge> No need to ask, they will do it anyways :D 21:32 < bridge> And do a fat giveaway, and for the giveaway present a temporary sponsor 21:32 < bridge> I like your pfp 🍞 21:33 < bridge> very original 21:33 < bridge> And then shut Fokos server for p2w 21:33 < bridge> U 21:34 < bridge> Portal would ofc be disabled on a V2 server 21:34 < bridge> Dude when i started playing u were one of the big guys to me fokko 21:34 < bridge> How far down have u gotten 21:34 < bridge> ? xD 21:34 < bridge> Hosting a p2w server and ddosing 21:34 < bridge> Tststs 21:35 < bridge> What kinda random r u 21:35 < bridge> I used to not understand why ppl didnt liked u 21:35 < bridge> i dunno how this escalated so quickly now, but lets go 🍿 21:35 < bridge> xd 21:35 < bridge> Anyways 21:35 < bridge> wont even argue with this guy 21:35 < bridge> This guy is coffee 21:35 < bridge> Calm 21:35 < bridge> Not THE coffee 21:36 < bridge> Just for your clarification: 21:36 < bridge> 1. was always possible to buy/donate on my server 21:36 < bridge> 2. never ddosed 21:36 < bridge> xddd 21:36 < bridge> i think u mix it up with vali or Rei, idk 21:36 < bridge> Maybe do an announcement that organizers are needed 21:37 < bridge> Tststs 21:37 < bridge> Fokko 21:37 < bridge> <судный день.> so p2w 21:37 < bridge> Ddos is not just vali and rei u know 21:38 < bridge> <судный день.> lets ddos some 2d game that didnt any serious bad thing never 21:38 < bridge> ye but it has been like that since basically always 21:38 < bridge> <судный день.> i find it good idea to risk it for some 2d game 21:38 < bridge> ye, i was just proving him that this statement is wrong xd 21:39 < bridge> and that guy is saying fokko got low lately xd btw how did this go from helping organizing an event to ddos 21:39 < bridge> childhood trauma probably 21:40 < bridge> U know what would be pog for anniversary? 21:40 < bridge> banning u 21:40 < bridge> Having matricks back in the game 21:40 < bridge> :feelsamazingman: 21:41 < bridge> If he showed up in a video with deen and the other ddnet founders that would be insane 21:41 < bridge> <судный день.> lets do ddos from ddnet servers 21:41 < bridge> Go 21:41 < bridge> :troll: 21:41 < bridge> <судный день.> imagine ddos by all servers around the world 21:41 < bridge> Maybe do fat discord vc event with music 21:41 < bridge> And matricks in the vc 21:42 < bridge> Matricks is a piece of history 21:42 < bridge> <судный день.> even fucking chile 21:42 < bridge> And the other founders, Teetow and so on 21:43 < bridge> Involving the community could be a good move 21:46 < bridge> I will for sure do not a single thing since i like brainshiting this ddos network and enjoy watching these degenerates being degenerates 21:47 < bridge> Also fokkonaut also ddosed vali back, idk if he private ddosed him or his server since it was about 2019/2020 when he did 21:49 < bridge> This statement shows, that you have absolutely no clue. 21:49 < bridge> My server started in 2019, and there was absolutely no DDoS at that time. 21:49 < bridge> So there was also nothing to DDoS back. 21:49 < bridge> But since everything you said today is completely garbage, it doesnt matter anyways xD 21:51 < bridge> @Discord Mod could we maybe get rid of this guy, since he is accusing and starting dumb arguments out of nowhere 21:51 < bridge> He pinged 21:51 < bridge> Bann him 21:51 < bridge> (check chat history) 21:52 < bridge> lmao wtf 21:53 < bridge> Well well if thats not rei joining all in when its about ddos 21:53 < bridge> yes 21:53 < bridge> but it's funny to see how retarded you are, saying bullshit 21:54 < bridge> stop saying things when you have no clue, as @fokkonaut saud 21:54 < bridge> stop saying things when you have no clue, as @fokkonaut said 21:54 < bridge> not even the 1st time you're like that 21:54 < bridge> @ReiTW want some 🍿 ? 21:54 < bridge> :gigachad: 21:55 < bridge> No need to answer to those type of people anymore 21:55 < bridge> Idk bro i came here wanted to talk about anniversary, fokkonaut comes and randomly talks abt my pfp 21:55 < bridge> Ok then 21:55 < bridge> not a reason to say things that people didn't even do 21:55 < bridge> u mean this? 21:55 < bridge> lmao 21:55 < bridge> Stop talking here offtopic from now one 21:55 < bridge> Stop talking here offtopic from now on 21:56 < bridge> Stop talking here offtopic from now on.