19:27 < bridge> dang 19:27 < bridge> today i hyperfocused and its already night 19:27 < bridge> gg 19:36 < bridge> if u hyperfocus again, it will be day 19:36 < bridge> out smart the hyper focusing by hyper focusing 19:38 < bridge> @Ryozuki good point for Rust :giga_chad: 19:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1080197241333092464/Screenshot_2023-02-28-19-33-54-837-edit_com.png 19:38 < bridge> xd 19:43 < bridge> yikes 20:04 < bridge> add them as the default? or just have them in the assets folder? 20:44 < bridge> folder 20:44 < bridge> Ob-Ewan Kenobi 20:51 < bridge> 😃 21:21 < bridge> the release candidate as well as nightly refuses to run for me on windows 10, when running the latest code in debug I get the following exception: ``` 21:21 < bridge> Exception thrown: read access violation. 21:21 < bridge> **CComponent::Graphics**(...) returned nullptr.``` in CChat::RebuildChat at the line `Graphics()->DeleteQuadContainer(Line.m_QuadContainerIndex);` 21:23 < bridge> <~Myata> @ChillerDragon 21:30 < bridge> Please post the entire stack trace for the crash (or the crash dump, which should also contain symbols if you use the debug build) 21:30 < bridge> I can reproduce the crash when starting with the argument `cl_chat_old 0`, because the chained command handler assumes that the graphics have already been initialised 21:32 < bridge> works fine for me o win7 21:32 < bridge> But the crash could also be triggered if the window is resized while the graphics are not initialised 21:32 < bridge> If this event is somehow triggered before the graphics exist 21:33 < bridge> Weird. Looks like a nullptr access though, so it should just crash 21:33 < bridge> Maybe it causes undefined behaviour for you 21:33 < bridge> do i need fullscreen? 21:34 < bridge> self compiled and rc are always windowed on my setup, easier to debug (prevents cursor imprisonment) 21:34 < bridge> If you start with `ddnet "cl_chat_old 0"` is should crash in any case 21:34 < bridge> self compiled and rc are always windowed on my setup, easier to debug (prevents cursor locking) 21:34 < bridge> Because this causes the chat to be rebuild before graphics are up 21:38 < bridge> Seems like it can only be caused by `cl_chat_old`, because the resize listener is not (and cannot be) registered until graphics are up 21:40 < bridge> indeed it crashes on self compiled 21:40 < bridge> ```shell 21:40 < bridge> Thread 1 received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 21:40 < bridge> 0x000000000050d735 in CChat::RebuildChat (this=0x7330c98) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/game/client/components/chat.cpp:51 21:40 < bridge> 51 Graphics()->DeleteQuadContainer(Line.m_QuadContainerIndex); 21:40 < bridge> (gdb) bt 21:40 < bridge> #0 0x000000000050d735 in CChat::RebuildChat (this=0x7330c98) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/game/client/components/chat.cpp:51 21:40 < bridge> #1 0x000000000050dc64 in CChat::ConchainChatOld (pResult=0x225970, 21:40 < bridge> pUserData=0x7330c98, 21:40 < bridge> pfnCallback=0x4687bf , 21:40 < bridge> pCallbackUserData=0x915e40 ) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/game/client/components/chat.cpp:145 21:40 < bridge> #2 0x000000000047b90b in CConsole::Con_Chain (pResult=0x225970, 21:40 < bridge> pUserData=0x63b7ee0) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/engine/shared/console.cpp:1241 21:40 < bridge> #3 0x0000000000467899 in CConsole::ExecuteLineStroked (this=0x6324a70, 21:40 < bridge> Stroke=1, pStr=0x47c7e19 "cl_chat_old 0", ClientID=-1, 21:40 < bridge> InterpretSemicolons=true) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/engine/shared/console.cpp:549 21:40 < bridge> #4 0x0000000000467b75 in CConsole::ExecuteLine (this=0x6324a70, 21:40 < bridge> pStr=0x47c7e19 "cl_chat_old 0", ClientID=-1, InterpretSemicolons=true) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/engine/shared/console.cpp:613 21:40 < bridge> #5 0x000000000047b2a6 in CConsole::ParseArguments (this=0x6324a70, 21:40 < bridge> NumArgs=1, ppArguments=0x47c7898) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/engine/shared/console.cpp:1094 21:40 < bridge> #6 0x00000000004de4b9 in main (argc=2, argv=0x47c7890) 21:40 < bridge> at E:/Teeworlds_DDNet/ddnet/src/engine/client/client.cpp:4672 21:40 < bridge> ``` 21:41 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/1 21:41 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/2 21:41 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/3 21:41 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/4 21:41 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/5 21:41 < bridge> bad bot (as usual) 21:41 < bridge> I'll fix the crash 21:41 < bridge> Can we not update the bot so it ignores the hash sign in code blocks? 21:43 < bridge> this is old as fuck bugs, where's the ddnet bot code? 21:44 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-discordbot 21:48 < bridge> i guess we gotta change this variable use 21:48 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-discordbot/blob/master/cogs/github.py#L16 21:48 < bridge> i guess we gotta change this variable use 21:48 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet-discordbot/blob/master/cogs/github.py#L16> 21:48 < bridge> i guess we gotta change this variable use 21:48 < bridge> 22:27 < bridge> which language syntax highlighting is this?