00:21 < bridge> bug? 00:21 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1079181463276240906/DDNet_Client_2023-02-26_00-19-36.mp4 02:34 < bridge> no bugs in ddnet 02:34 < bridge> only intended and unintended features 02:49 < bridge> i like that 02:49 < bridge> it's an epic feature 04:07 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1079238320879575060/v09044g40000cf828jjc77u2jk0f2mk0.mp4 11:48 < bridge> Help, my server browser is confused. 11:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1079354375060848722/Base_Profile_2023.02.26_-_11.47.00.23.mp4 11:49 < bridge> o-okey, it fixed itself. 👀 11:50 < bridge> That happened to me yesterday as well. was connecting to a lan server, but ended up on a ddnet server 😅 11:50 < bridge> mhh i thought it was fixed. @Robyt3 ^ 11:51 < bridge> was using old version. So could be fixed later on 11:51 < bridge> You mean the smooth scrolling? 11:51 < bridge> I'm on nightly 11:52 < bridge> i mean, that it uses the wrong server index 11:52 < bridge> but i guess the server ip must then also be wrong? 11:53 < bridge> (I was on 16.6) 11:53 < bridge> Maybe it's an issue with the server info 11:54 < bridge> yeah possible 11:54 < bridge> skins also sometimes dont work 11:54 < bridge> heinrich, ryo when fix xd 12:29 < bridge> free nudes 💏 12:29 < bridge> https://discord.gg/sbxJRkHbxG 12:30 < bridge> @Discord Mod 12:30 < bridge> Loool 12:36 < bridge> Are the skins missing in https://master1.ddnet.org/ddnet/15/servers.json ? 12:37 < bridge> I can see the missing skins on ingame 12:38 < bridge> Confirmed, just missing the skin info 12:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1079366874384580618/Screenshot_2023-02-26_at_12.38.28.png 12:39 < bridge> @heinrich5991 this smells like a master server issue, any idea? 12:59 < bridge> Can you reproduce this somehow? 13:08 < bridge> I couldn't reproduce the issue. Could this be a caching issue? I've had 2 clients open at the time. 13:08 < bridge> I hope not. 13:11 < bridge> Oddly enough, after checking the server logs for 'DoubleDipp', he was last seen 2 days ago. 13:12 < bridge> yeah a wrong server info is not too unlikely i guess 13:13 < bridge> in that case it's probably not a regression in 16.8 at least 13:14 < bridge> I don't know how renaming files works on Windows. If we already opened ddnet-info.json in process 1, then rename another file to ddnet-info.json in process 2, can process 1 read part of the new file? 13:14 < bridge> My assumption was always that renaming the file is atomic, thus we either read the old file entirely, or the new file entirely 13:16 < bridge> i dont think we save it on disk 13:16 < bridge> i guess its master server side 13:17 < bridge> We save ddnet-info.json on disk and read it 13:17 < bridge> but not the server info 13:17 < bridge> Oh, was thinking of ddnet tab, right 13:18 < bridge> it happened in ddnet tab though 13:18 < bridge> does ddnet-info.json contain the server info + player info? 13:18 < bridge> isnt that all https master server 13:18 < bridge> true 13:19 < bridge> then i have no idea how this issue can happen 14:05 < bridge> just writting here so I wont forget when the gravity is negative the tee should be mirror in the y axis 14:07 < bridge> yeah the tunes complicate everything, but you still get dj if you 'stand on'/touch a tile below you 14:12 < bridge> Would actually be cool if you could walk on the ceiling and jump downwards in that case, like in reverse-gravity sections in Mario games, but it's probably too late to change such physics at this point 14:14 < bridge> Turn your monitor upside down 14:15 < bridge> and then: `bind a "+right`and `bind d "+left"` 14:16 < bridge> and then: `bind a "+right"` and `bind d "+left"` 15:05 <+ChillerDragon> xd 15:06 <+ChillerDragon> that might actually be a fun thing to do murpi 16:23 < bridge> laptop users be like 16:23 < bridge> https://tenor.com/bmuUU.gif 17:28 < bridge> lol 17:39 < bridge> Game doesn't work, crashes on startup 17:40 < bridge> Do you have a crash dump? Press Windows+R, type `%appdata%` and press Enter. Then open the `DDNet` folder (if you have it) or open the `Teeworlds` folder. Then open the `dumps` folder. 17:48 < bridge> Further 17:49 < bridge> Further 18:07 < bridge> Does the folder contain any files that have the day and time of the crash in their name? 18:07 < bridge> If so, share those files