03:20 < bridge> can you add an /afk or something to activate the perpetual zzz emote & show other players not to grab 03:20 < bridge> waiting for the timeout is risky 08:05 < bridge> Learath2 wanted to create something, didnt yet i think 15:58 < bridge> Pls, help 16:04 < bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llonR885bMM 16:10 < bridge> Can you show a screenshot? 16:10 < bridge> Of the code in Gamecontroller 16:14 < bridge> @fokkonaut you mean this? 16:14 < bridge> No, CGameController::Snap() 16:14 < bridge> where you show the ammo 16:15 < bridge> And the next thing you need to take care of, if you send the Gameinfo flag already, check that CCharacter::Snap() sets pCharacter->m_Ammo 16:20 < bridge> CGameController::Snap doesn't exist 16:23 < bridge> Yes, it does, its where you set the Gameinfoflag_hud_ammo 16:24 < bridge> Make sure you are on the server side 16:25 < bridge> @fokkonaut 16:25 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075437753052958791/image.png 16:26 < bridge> 🤔 16:27 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075438226938011668/image.png 16:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075438432593137734/image.png 16:32 < bridge> Ok, and do you have m_Ammo > 0? 16:32 < bridge> do Hearts and shields work. 16:32 < bridge> ?* 16:32 < bridge> Yes 16:33 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075439716234702910/image.png 16:33 < bridge> Hiya 👋 16:33 < bridge> 16:33 < bridge> Have you seen the many ways you can earn Bitcoin daily? 16:33 < bridge> 16:33 < bridge> Well, I have found something else to earn Bitcoin everyday. (This site is very renowned and the payouts are very prompt) 16:33 < bridge> 16:33 < bridge> Its Best Binary FX  (This is hugely popular) 16:33 < bridge> 👇👇👇 16:33 < bridge> https://t.me/Stevecoldham001 16:35 < bridge> Try to set AmmoCount = 10 below, so you can validate if it works in general. 16:35 < bridge> m_Ammo is -1 in ddrace, cuz its unlimited. 16:36 < bridge> and -1 < 0 = wont get set. it will stay 0 and therefore nothing is shown in the client 16:38 < bridge> @fokkonaut worked! but client have unlimited ammo 16:38 < bridge> can you join in the server? 16:39 < bridge> No sorry, but what you do in Snap() is just giving information to the client, its not the logic behind it. 16:39 < bridge> yeah 16:39 < bridge> Thats why its still unlimited 16:39 < bridge> but in give weapon isn't -1 16:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075441319515791510/image.png 16:39 < bridge> or Maxammo is -1? 16:40 < bridge> should be 10, probably 16:40 < bridge> maybe validate using `GameServer()->SendChatTarget(GetPlayer()->GetCID(), "hello")` whether this gets executed 16:41 < bridge> or, use `dbg_msg("test", "Ammo: %d", .......m_Ammo)` 16:41 < bridge> And then see console if it printed 16:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075441815995551764/image.png 16:41 < bridge> Print the value 16:42 < bridge> to make sure its not -1 16:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075442026281177190/image.png 16:42 < bridge> :monkaS: 16:43 < bridge> I thinking.. 16:43 < bridge> Print the value of m_ammo in snap(), where you set the AmmoCount 16:43 < bridge> if the fireweapon dont remove the ammo? 16:43 < bridge> To see if it arrives there 16:44 < bridge> idk, ddnet code is pretty different from vanilla nowadays 16:44 < bridge> gtg do smth in rl 16:45 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075442652901822494/image.png 16:45 < bridge> :lol: 16:47 < bridge> @fokkonaut works, but dont update the client 16:48 < bridge> oh 16:48 < bridge> xD 16:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075443604316758076/image.png 16:51 < bridge> @fokkonaut sorry for metion, can you help me with the shotgun? 17:03 < bridge> You can simply copy the vanilla shotgun code I believe, on CCharacter::FireWeapon. 17:03 < bridge> But keep in mind, that the tunings are different. 17:03 < bridge> See Gamecontext for where the shotgun tunings are set. (several places) 17:03 < bridge> If you change that, the bullets from editor (explosive bullet that bounces on blocks and freezes you) will be insanely fast. 17:03 < bridge> 17:03 < bridge> In my mod I managed to have both, but it requires some more deep changes, so you should give up one for now 17:04 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> afair copy-paste of vanilla shotgun back to ddnet never ended with some good results 17:16 < bridge> tunings* 17:17 < bridge> Join my server, go in /survival, wait for a round to start and see 17:18 < bridge> and at the same time the ddnet freeze bullets also work :) 18:20 < bridge> @fokkonaut how ot change the tunings to vanilla? 18:21 < bridge> i have paste the code of vanilla but dont work like vanilla 19:00 < bridge> Said that already 19:10 < bridge> @fokkonaut what values? 19:28 < bridge> discord down 19:37 < bridge> No 20:19 < bridge> What will the Go language be called when it goes out of trend? Went 20:19 < bridge> Badum tsss 20:19 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> afaik google wants to add telemetry to go 20:20 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> or wait did i see it here xd 20:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075498270207512606/Animation.gif 20:27 < bridge> Rust-> Rust, C-> saw 20:27 < bridge> Python-> Byethon 20:30 < bridge> C# -> CDull 20:38 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1075501488769613885/RDT_20230215_2036574251206633917674755.jpg 21:03 < bridge> Rust -> Polish