01:09 < bridge> what is the name of the client where you can connect 62 dummies? 01:19 < bridge> By Krisko 01:19 < bridge> K-Client 01:19 < bridge> (@KDaniel) 01:27 < bridge> ok thanks, but its not working anymore... and its not open-source 03:37 < bridge> "I'll teach first 10 persons how to earn $30k or more in 72 hours from the crypto market. But you will pay me 10% commission when you receive your profit. if interested send me a direct message me by asking HOW for more details on how to get started+1 (559) 666‑3967https://t.me/+t5FYXx5fEB02M2Vk 06:17 < bridge> Is it possible to mirror the ingame chat to discord? I know there was a player on fng called „discord-bot“. But I mean is there some kind of discord game integration? 07:32 < bridge> No Discord Selfbot/Bot inside DDNet client 07:34 < bridge> So no. You will have to add that functionality yourself. 07:35 < bridge> (for what do you even need that? logging chat for reporting?) 08:35 < bridge> Boost the social part off ddnet. Using discord as friends list / semi accounts. 08:38 < bridge> https://gitlab.com/swarfey/teeworlds-client/That is the discord bridge by Nudelsaft that one usually sees in Game. I think the discord stuff is not included but it’s just doing a simple http request to a discord Webhook. 08:38 < bridge> (@cauldron) 08:42 < bridge> F-DDrace has a discord chat integration 09:02 < bridge> Yea it still exists, but it got banned by a mod on fng, so i disabled it. Its still online in a few other servers, if u want i can dm U the server 09:03 < bridge> * https://gitlab.com/swarfey/teeworlds-client/ 10:49 < bridge> @Ryozuki i cant send requests to ddstats because of cors 😭 11:27 < bridge> ``` 11:27 < bridge> ddnet/src/test/teehistorian.cpp:117: Failure 11:27 < bridge> Value of: Buffer.Error() 11:27 < bridge> Actual: true 11:27 < bridge> Expected: false 11:27 < bridge> [ FAILED ] TeeHistorian.Auth (0 ms) 11:28 < bridge> ``` 11:28 < bridge> a teehistorian test failed for me 11:28 < bridge> idk if it has to do smth with me adding netmessages tho xd 12:28 < bridge> hOW TO FIX? 12:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1070666905976852480/Screenshot_2023-02-02_145738.png 13:18 < bridge> Is it possible to send chat messages over the api? (To discord) then send them via the client and they appear in a channel dedicated for each ingame server 13:31 < bridge> it would be possible if the devs wanted to do that 13:31 < bridge> you could do it for your own server though without restrictions 13:32 < bridge> you just have to get to the code that handles sending/receiving chat messages 13:32 < bridge> it would be possible if the devs wanted to do that here 13:35 < bridge> it would be possible if the devs wanted to do that here 13:39 < bridge> you just have to get to the code that handles sending/receiving chat messages 13:39 < bridge> it would be cool I guess for some people, but I wouldn't use it. nor do I think you can do it the other way (sending a message in the discord channel -> sending it to the server) without the admins coding the support for that. 17:06 < bridge> Well… I didn‘t think of that. Maybe it‘s an idea. 17:09 < bridge> Ahaa 17:28 < bridge> https://discord.gg/ewnjzp9V 17:29 < bridge> I designed it to show the skins as profile pictures aswell :) 17:30 < bridge> skins.tw made an API on request, before that I used KoG's tee render API 18:38 < bridge> we do have public two way support on our server :) https://discord.gg/MSYcjYvU6e 18:38 < bridge> however its not handled server side like on fokkonaut's server, its a bot connecting to the server and acting as a bridge 19:01 < bridge> TIL the word `shibboleths ` 19:01 < bridge> ``` 19:01 < bridge> noun 19:01 < bridge> plural noun: shibboleths 19:01 < bridge> 19:01 < bridge> a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important. 19:01 < bridge> "the majority, under the influence of vague nineteenth-century shibboleths, understood him to be associating himself with the doctrine that every nation has a right to be a sovereign state" 19:01 < bridge> ``` 19:02 < bridge> I learned that from xkcd 19:02 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1070766289125122048/tech_support.png 19:03 < bridge> send the link pls 19:03 < bridge> https://xkcd.com/806/ 19:03 < bridge> xkcd best thing is the alt text xd 19:03 < bridge> why did u remove the embed nooo 19:03 < bridge> xd 19:04 < bridge> oops, does it show the alt text also? I though it was redundant with the image already posted 19:04 < bridge> oops, does it show the alt text also? I thought it was redundant with the image already posted 19:05 < bridge> ye it does 19:27 < bridge> https://blog.torproject.org/arti_111_released/ 19:27 < bridge> :BASEDDEPT: 19:57 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/bbcd1d0ff7553ad411f1db7598ed604c054b9f61/src/game/server/gamecontext.cpp#L3207 19:57 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> 19:57 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> can we move these to `src/game/ddracecommands`? 19:57 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> `ddracecommands.h` 20:05 < bridge> Yes. 20:08 < bridge> <<~{Barsik}~>> yeah okey 21:52 < bridge> Where is the file that configures the shotgun? 21:52 < bridge> game.png 21:53 < bridge> best is u use assets in settings -> assets 21:53 < bridge> no 21:53 < bridge> in the code 21:53 < bridge> if I set the gamemode as CTF it works the CTF shotgun 21:53 < bridge> oh well shotgun.cpp? xd 21:54 < bridge> what exactly did u d? 21:54 < bridge> u used vanilla teeworlds? 21:54 < bridge> shotgun is basically a gun that makes many projectiles in CTF 21:54 < bridge> yes 21:54 < bridge> so projectile.cpp is what u want probably 21:54 < bridge> or gamecontext.cpp 21:55 < bridge> If I put my own game mode, the shotgun is equal ddrace shotgun 21:55 < bridge> well if you use ctf with ddnet source code... i dont even know if that works at all 21:55 < bridge> maybe chillerdragon has a ddnet compatible vanilla mod 21:56 < bridge> i'm conding an mod and i need to know where is the file that configure shotgun shoot 21:57 < bridge> i want like vanilla shotgun, not ddrace shotgun 21:57 < bridge> search for new CProjectile 21:58 < bridge> CCharacter::FireWeapon 21:58 < bridge> copy the vanilla code into the ddnet code 21:58 < bridge> and hope that it works xd 21:58 < bridge> i tried 21:59 < bridge> but i want to know where is the part that i can change this, because if i set te gamemode to CTF its work like vanilla shotgun 22:00 < bridge> maybe the client just thinks that? 22:00 < bridge> i dont see any ctf code path 22:10 < bridge> :tee_thinking: 22:13 < bridge> maybe i also simply dont understand what u mean. 22:13 < bridge> 22:13 < bridge> Either u mean, u set ctf in config for ddnet and it makes the shotgun behave like it is vanilla 22:13 < bridge> or you simply want it to behave like it, bcs rn it doesnt (then i'd be confused how that should be the case) 22:17 < bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks i found it 22:17 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1070815297147244605/image.png 22:18 < bridge> did u maybe mean the vanilla gun? 22:18 < bridge> the pistol 22:18 < bridge> shotgun 22:18 < bridge> but how does the tuning make the shotgun use projectiles instead of laser 22:18 < bridge> laser is a completly unrelated type 22:18 < bridge> if i comment this code 22:19 < bridge> the shotgun shot is laser 22:19 < bridge> do u mean how the projectiles fly around? 22:20 < bridge> i want the vanilla shotgun 22:20 < bridge> instead of ddnet's shotgun 22:20 < bridge> ok anyway, glad that helped xdd 22:20 < bridge> but I still want to know where this tuning controls which type of shotgun it will be 22:21 < bridge> it doesnt 22:21 < bridge> CCharacter::FireWeapon 22:21 < bridge> 22:21 < bridge> has a switch code path 22:21 < bridge> there is _SHOTGUN 22:21 < bridge> creating a laser 22:21 < bridge> in vanilla it will create projectiles 22:23 < bridge> omg 22:24 < bridge> It's true, I thought this condition was on the server 22:24 < bridge> thanks 23:15 < bridge> Yea sadly not .\_. Getting the tuning right can be a bit annoying. Fokko managed pretty well in F-DDrace 23:15 < bridge> (@Jupeyy_Keks) 23:23 < bridge> Do you need financial support? Are you tired living from paycheck to paycheck… wanna say goodbye to 9to5? Wanna make $2000 daily $5000 weekly before your next pay check arrives? 23:23 < bridge> 23:23 < bridge> THEN ASK HOW....📥 23:23 < bridge> https://t.me/+KuOs8q7WfH8zZGZk