02:35 <+bridge> bpw 02:35 <+bridge> Bowl 12:09 <+bridge> im arrogant and my monitor just has horrible ghosting issues but the smooth scrolling from the beta / release candidate is smth i hope there's an option to turn off or else i will continuously opt for an older version 13:19 <+bridge> @Avolicious which CNI do you use btw ? 14:32 <+bridge> flannel 14:34 <+bridge> have you ever tested cilium? 14:35 <+bridge> no 16:07 <+bridge> @Robyt3 ^ 16:38 <+bridge> @everyone join now https://discord.gg/anastasyyy 16:39 <+bridge> @Discord Mod 16:39 <+bridge> porn kek 16:49 <+bridge> No porn, only scam 16:52 <+bridge> :Sadge: 17:10 <+bridge> Someone should add a copy button to the server info tab for ip address 17:10 <+bridge> Cause I see people screenshot the ip in #reports which makes it harder for mods to join 17:11 <+bridge> Robyte already did: #6245 17:11 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/6245 17:12 <+bridge> Doesn't ctrl+c just works fine? 17:13 <+bridge> It does in the server browser, but hes refering to the server info tab 17:13 <+bridge> Epic 17:13 <+bridge> Yeah but less tech savvy people don't know that they can use ctrl + a and ctrl + c 17:14 <+bridge> A lot of people still rely on right click > copy 19:06 <+bridge> im bummed, it looks like even ppl in the open source reverse engineering world use IDA instead of guidra, which honestly i cant blame, why would ghidra use an anncient python 2 version for scripting 19:06 <+bridge> guess ill have to put a hat 19:06 <+bridge> and sail 19:07 <+bridge> There is also java for scripting in ghidra 19:07 <+bridge> I also much prefer the decompiler output of ghidra ngl 19:07 <+bridge> the ff14 community decided on using IDA 19:07 <+bridge> there is some support for ghidra but it looks like an afterthought 19:07 <+bridge> https://github.com/aers/FFXIVClientStructs 19:08 <+bridge> i just want to load the existing work, it requires me to use python 2 and install a dep onto ghidra via pip, which is not possible cuz older pip support is not supported 19:08 <+bridge> it simply doesnt work xd 19:09 <+bridge> No idea why such an ancient Firefox version has a community still 19:09 <+bridge> XD 19:09 <+bridge> deen the troll 19:09 <+bridge> Makes more sense than Final Fantasy 14, since that's even older 😄 19:11 <+bridge> :pepeH: 19:11 <+bridge> @Learath2 why do cool games need to use c# 19:11 <+bridge> all the interesting things i wanna mod use it 19:12 <+bridge> my life sucks 19:12 <+bridge> Well unity is probably the reason for most 19:12 <+bridge> unreal supports c# right 19:12 <+bridge> i think ffxiv uses unreal 3 19:12 <+bridge> anyway terraria is xna and uses c# 19:12 <+bridge> factorio uses lua, blegh 19:13 <+bridge> Unreal has no scripting in it 19:13 <+bridge> No c# either 19:13 <+bridge> meh i probs shouldnt get into reverse engineering with such a big thing such as ffxiv 19:13 <+bridge> or idk 19:14 <+bridge> Do some crackmes 19:14 <+bridge> ah they use this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luminous_Engine 19:14 <+bridge> ye started doing some some time ago 19:15 <+bridge> but its like programming, its more fun if u do something that interests you 19:15 <+bridge> Yep, do some teeworlds bots maybe? 19:16 <+bridge> oh 19:17 <+bridge> @Learath2 are u 100% they always include backdoors 19:17 <+bridge> otherwise i would just look at script kiddy code 19:17 <+bridge> Not always, but you see some very funny stuff 19:17 <+bridge> if u know some send me a dm 19:17 <+bridge> for research purposes 19:17 <+bridge> (first time i said this legit kek) 19:18 <+bridge> There is one popular bot client that has all the licenses built in, so the guy has to update it whenever he sells a new one 😄 19:18 <+bridge> lmao 19:18 <+bridge> You can try to reverse engineer noby's verified client 19:18 <+bridge> @noby 19:19 <+bridge> but would noby but a backdoor 19:19 <+bridge> but would noby put a backdoor 19:20 <+bridge> I didn't spot one. Goodguy noby 19:30 <+bridge> i found a target to check 19:30 <+bridge> whose name i wont mention to not invoke the wrath of heinrich 19:31 <+bridge> @Learath2 did u do it all from scratch or u somehow loaded some symbols from somwhere? 19:31 <+bridge> or used the source code as help 19:31 <+bridge> from tw 19:31 <+bridge> well having knowledge about the layout of tw probs helps 19:32 <+bridge> so it wont be as reaslitic as a closed source game i guess 19:32 <+bridge> I once tried to import system.h to help. But I usually do just go at it from scratch 19:33 <+bridge> u just import the exe right? 19:33 <+bridge> does importing dlls help 19:33 <+bridge> idk if u can even do that 19:34 <+bridge> iit probs doesnt make sense xD 19:50 <+bridge> is there a way to get map splits from server? 19:52 <+bridge> u didn't spot it cuz of nobyC 19:52 <+bridge> u didn't spot it cuz of nobyC :giga_chad: 20:12 <+bridge> @Learath2 any good resource that doesnt involve buying a book to learn more 20:12 <+bridge> Mh, no idea. I learned just poking around and watching youtube videos 20:12 <+bridge> yeah i think there are more yt vids than blogs 20:13 <+bridge> i prefer written 20:13 <+bridge> i guess too many h4x0rs like videos 21:00 <+bridge> . 21:02 <+bridge> found this https://beginners.re/ 21:04 <+bridge> huh? 21:04 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1062462012048822393/image.png 21:07 <+bridge> rust ist already installed* 21:07 <+bridge> or is the version important? 21:09 <+bridge> that doesnt look like a rust version problem 21:09 <+bridge> but the linker struggles, so either the symbol is hidden for some reason 21:09 <+bridge> Looks more like a linking issue, but I dont speak the german 21:09 <+bridge> or the linker doesnt work with that bridge 21:09 <+bridge> what vsc++ is that? 21:09 <+bridge> how dare u not 21:09 <+bridge> aufgeloste externe 21:09 <+bridge> ez 21:09 <+bridge> red deutsch du opfer 21:10 <+bridge> I never learned the language of beer 21:38 <+bridge> The language of ddnet somehow 21:41 <+bridge> When you do /save on a map, the server says something like currently: 21:41 <+bridge> ``` 21:41 <+bridge> Use "/load abc" if the save was successful or "/load Onion Tomato Burger" if it failed. 21:41 <+bridge> ``` 21:41 <+bridge> I think the message was different some versions before. 21:41 <+bridge> Welf changed that because we had problems with the dbs i guess? The message is very confusing imo because the user does not know what the code is exactly, is it possible to change that? 21:41 <+bridge> When you do /save on a map, the server says something like that: 21:41 <+bridge> ``` 21:41 <+bridge> Use "/load abc" if the save was successful or "/load Onion Tomato Burger" if it failed. 21:41 <+bridge> ``` 21:41 <+bridge> I think the message was different some versions before. 21:41 <+bridge> Welf changed that because we had problems with the dbs i guess? The message is very confusing imo because the user does not know what the code is exactly, is it possible to change that? 21:42 <+bridge> *Zwelf, not Welf ^^ 21:42 <+bridge> you dont know what a onion tomato burger is? 21:43 <+bridge> When you do /save on a map, the server says something like that: 21:43 <+bridge> ``` 21:43 <+bridge> Use "/load abc" if the save was successful or "/load Onion Tomato Burger" if it failed. 21:43 <+bridge> ``` 21:43 <+bridge> I think the message was different some versions before. 21:43 <+bridge> Zwelf* changed that because we had problems with the dbs i guess? The message is very confusing imo because the user does not know what the code is exactly, is it possible to change that? 21:43 <+bridge> Yeah I was never very happy with that. I think we are about to change it 21:45 <+bridge> > Team save in progress. You'll be able to load with '/load abc' if save is successful or with '/load panda hers union' if it fails 21:45 <+bridge> > Team successfully saved by Patiga. Use '/load abc' to continue 21:45 <+bridge> yes, can probably be improved, Zwelf should know best what is possible there 21:46 <+bridge> (I saved on multeasymap if someone wants to steal :p ) 21:49 <+bridge> > Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-Bit) - Current 21:49 <+bridge> > Version 17.4.2 21:49 <+bridge> 21:49 <+bridge> > rustc --version 21:49 <+bridge> > rustc 1.55.0 (c8dfcfe04 2021-09-06) 21:49 <+bridge> 21:49 <+bridge> > cargo --version 21:49 <+bridge> > cargo 1.55.0 (32da73ab1 2021-08-23) 21:49 <+bridge> > Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-Bit) - Current 21:49 <+bridge> > Version 17.4.2 21:49 <+bridge> 21:49 <+bridge> > rustc --version 21:49 <+bridge> > rustc 1.55.0 (c8dfcfe04 2021-09-06) 21:49 <+bridge> 21:49 <+bridge> > cargo --version 21:49 <+bridge> > cargo 1.55.0 (32da73ab1 2021-08-23) 21:49 <+bridge> 21:49 <+bridge> cmake generated for Visual Studio 15 2017 21:54 <+bridge> why not for 2022 21:55 <+bridge> I think Zwelf or deen wanted to try making save codes non-unique 21:58 <+bridge> (Team members + map + code) would be unique instead 22:00 <+bridge> Yeah, that would be the fix. The problem with that would be, that we would not be able to give hints about which player is missing/which player is not in the team when loading. 22:00 <+bridge> Yeah, that would be the fix. The problem with that is, that we would not be able to give hints about which player is missing/which player is not in the team when loading. 22:01 <+bridge> Ye idk if I like that. What was the issue that made us randomly generate codes anyway? 22:01 <+bridge> Note that the "Team save in progress" message is just an additional message when the database connection takes long. The final message which save code to use will come later. 22:02 <+bridge> Can't we first make sure the code is unique and available, insert it into the db with a null save so it cant be loaded yet than save the team? 22:02 <+bridge> yes, except when the db is unavailable 22:04 <+bridge> why using old rust 22:04 <+bridge> should be new enough 22:05 <+bridge> @KDaniel what did you do to get this error message? 22:05 <+bridge> what did you try to compile? how did you load ddnet into msvc++? which version of ddnet is that? 22:07 <+bridge> It should still end up on the local sqlite, maybe we shouldn't plan around the exceptional case? It is a little weird what we do with the random code 22:08 <+bridge> what do you propose happens when the save code is a duplicate? it's simply lost? 22:09 <+bridge> the code currently inserts it into the local db first (this way makes sure that it'll definitely persist), then inserts it into the global db, and then removes it from the local db again 22:09 <+bridge> but for the local db, it can only use the random code 22:09 <+bridge> what might work is only mentioning the random code after a short timeout 22:10 <+bridge> In the case of a hopefully unlikely duplicate we can manually append a number or sth 22:10 <+bridge> I have created my folder with 22:10 <+bridge> git clone --recursive https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet 22:10 <+bridge> and then I have a cmake gui with which I run the cmake and the configure and build. Then I tried to run client as well as server. Rust etc was already installed before 22:10 <+bridge> then we can't tell the user the save code 22:10 <+bridge> because we don't know hte number while saving 22:11 <+bridge> I'll try that as well, haven't worked with the cmake gui yet 22:11 <+bridge> if you want, you could try the native cmake integration in the meantime 22:11 <+bridge> How about we keep a list of save codes in memory incase the connection dies, so we atleast know most of the codes 22:11 <+bridge> Just how long of a database outage do we have to be prepared for anyway? 22:12 <+bridge> completely gone 22:12 <+bridge> hours 22:12 <+bridge> ``` 22:12 <+bridge> e] CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:40 (project): 22:12 <+bridge> [cmake] The CMAKE_C_COMPILER: 22:12 <+bridge> [cmake] 22:12 <+bridge> [cmake] C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/Llvm/x64/bin/clang-cl.exe 22:12 <+bridge> [cmake] 22:12 <+bridge> [cmake] is not a full path to an existing compiler tool. 22:12 <+bridge> ``` 22:12 <+bridge> if i try to compile and build it with vscode and select native cmake 22:13 <+bridge> with native, I meant opening the project folder (without using the cmake gui) with msvc++ 22:13 <+bridge> (unless that's already what you did) 22:14 <+bridge> because vscode != msvc++ 22:14 <+bridge> this is why I was confused. but you used msvc++ and not vscode? 22:14 <+bridge> Mh, maybe we can special case the connection being alive? Idk I just don't like the UX with this 22:14 <+bridge> I agree the UX could be improved 22:14 <+bridge> we could output the save code only after a delay of 1-5 seconds 22:15 <+bridge> either the right one (if saving works) or both (if saving still didn't work after 5 seconds) 22:16 <+bridge> @KDaniel the path `C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/Llvm/x64/bin/clang-cl.exe` does not exist on your system? 22:16 <+bridge> i done a clean start 22:16 <+bridge> i done a clean start... gimme a minute 22:19 <+bridge> ok after i deleted out and build folder what got created by cmake gui or vscode.. msvc++ created the build folder and its running perfectly... but why sometime my msvc++ dont trigger the configure process if i open the folder 22:20 <+bridge> this was first time the error happen to me since years 22:20 <+bridge> I don't know why it doesn't configure sometimes 22:20 <+bridge> perhaps because it's already configured? 22:21 <+bridge> nah... i often try it like that. if its not get triggered i open cmake gui and then it works 22:21 <+bridge> but thanks 🙂 22:21 <+bridge> you're welcome 🙂 22:23 <+bridge> you are all using msvc++? 22:23 <+bridge> like why not switching to vscode? 22:23 <+bridge> we all linux fanboys 22:24 <+bridge> didnt you use macOS? 22:24 <+bridge> vulkan disagrees 22:25 <+bridge> the build doesn't work in vscode? 22:25 <+bridge> Linuxgang 22:25 <+bridge> (I think most devs here are on linux, which is why the experience on the other OSs sucks a little, unfortunately) 22:25 <+bridge> gentoo gang 22:26 <+bridge> it works fine on windows for playing 22:27 <+bridge> less for developping 😄 22:27 <+bridge> :FeelsAatlantisMan: 22:27 <+bridge> playing and programming on windows but like using servers i run it on linux 22:27 <+bridge> but it's great that you're trying it out 🙂 deen also improved the mac build once he started using macos ^^ 22:27 <+bridge> robyte is using windows 22:28 <+bridge> the problem is im a big nub debugging on linux 22:28 <+bridge> so best is to ask him, if vscode works, he might uses with with mingw tho 22:28 <+bridge> i have to debug more the macos issue 22:29 <+bridge> but i dont like using my mac 22:29 <+bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6172 22:31 <+bridge> ahh i got another question... i got a custom Server and want to write unit tests for it but i never saw it how you test connection dummies to server.. just the headless client thing. 22:31 <+bridge> we only have the headless client/integration test thingy for that, unfortunately 22:31 <+bridge> no good testing for this, sorry 22:32 <+bridge> yea saw it on github actions. Is there away to controll the headless client.. not only giving command on startup 22:33 <+bridge> you'd have to ask chillerdragon 22:33 <+bridge> I think it is controlled at runtime 22:36 <+bridge> i will do ask him some day. 22:56 <+bridge> Is there a reason we dont just give a random one if the db connection gets a timeout? 22:57 <+bridge> Is there a reason we dont just give a random code to the user if the db connection gets a timeout? 22:58 <+bridge> yes, db connection might take a long time but not return an error 22:59 <+bridge> hence I want to give the random code after the timeout 23:44 <+bridge> new version 😅 23:44 <+bridge> 23:44 <+bridge> prepare for reverts 23:47 <+bridge> I see only translations commits, one from Robyt and yours 23:53 <+bridge> @heinrich5991 @Learath2 Could you update antibot on official servers? 23:53 <+bridge> ``` 23:53 <+bridge> ./DDRace64-Server_sql: symbol lookup error: /home/teeworlds/servers/libantibot.so: undefined symbol: mem_comp 23:53 <+bridge> ```