00:00 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1061781553446916156/image.png 00:07 <+bridge> We are running our Server on K3s but with a OCI standard image - so docker compliant 00:08 <+bridge> docker uses its own resolver 00:08 <+bridge> internally 00:11 <+bridge> why use kubernetes at all 00:11 <+bridge> or docker 00:11 <+bridge> just use nixos 00:11 <+bridge> 1 config, replicate everywhere 00:11 <+bridge> the future is here 00:11 <+bridge> its reproducible too! 00:12 <+bridge> k3s 00:12 <+bridge> much simpler than k8s 00:12 <+bridge> whather that is 00:12 <+bridge> its for edge services 00:12 <+bridge> sry im not up to date with the hip words xD 00:12 <+bridge> I always thought k3s is people writing k8s wrong 😄 00:13 <+bridge> https://k3s.io/ 00:13 <+bridge> r u running ddnet on arm? 00:13 <+bridge> no 00:13 <+bridge> but our servers are not powerful enough to run k8s 😄 00:13 <+bridge> k8s takes a lot of ressources 00:14 <+bridge> k3s is smaller and simpler 00:14 <+bridge> anyway this looks like uneeded complexity and overhead to me 00:14 <+bridge> specially for a game server 00:14 <+bridge> nixos ftw 00:14 <+bridge> nah its not 00:14 <+bridge> you can run minecraft next to teeworlds without dependency problems 00:14 <+bridge> you can run different teeworlds versions without dependency problems at all 00:14 <+bridge> so can u with nix 00:14 <+bridge> and u dont have a container overhead 00:15 <+bridge> but learning k8s is great for some jobs 🙂 00:15 <+bridge> cloud native and so on 00:15 <+bridge> i know there is lot of fuzz about this and jobs 00:15 <+bridge> but i dont like it idk 00:15 <+bridge> something in it 00:15 <+bridge> i prefer bare metal 00:15 <+bridge> how did you call dig? did you include the resolver IP? 00:15 <+bridge> solutions 00:15 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks do u agree 00:15 <+bridge> `dig ddnet.org @` 00:16 <+bridge> tl;dr 00:16 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks using nixos over e.g docker containers since they run on the native kernel and they are reproducible, thus, u can deploy like docker 00:17 <+bridge> docker also runs on the native kernel btw 00:17 <+bridge> but it has overhead 00:17 <+bridge> is docker open source'd? 00:17 <+bridge> what kind of overhead do you envision? 00:17 <+bridge> it's just using linux namespaces 00:17 <+bridge> "The cost of security" 00:17 <+bridge> Yes 00:18 <+bridge> > 00:18 <+bridge> > One of these security mechanisms is seccomp, which Docker uses to constrain what system calls containers can run. 00:18 <+bridge> > Older versions of seccomp have a performance problem that can slow down operations. 00:18 <+bridge> > Docker still hasn’t enabled this performance fix. 00:18 <+bridge> docker is not using an open source license though 00:18 <+bridge> that too 00:18 <+bridge> But talking about docker is different 00:18 <+bridge> https://pythonspeed.com/articles/docker-performance-overhead/ 00:18 <+bridge> Its built using multiple technologies 00:18 <+bridge> https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/introduction-crun 00:18 <+bridge> the alternative to runc is crun 00:18 <+bridge> a docker OCI runtime 00:18 <+bridge> there is another too 00:18 <+bridge> made in rust 00:18 <+bridge> there are multiple 00:19 <+bridge> thats why its soo cool 00:19 <+bridge> you can switch them without a hassle 00:19 <+bridge> well its not cool to me but i get it 00:19 <+bridge> https://github.com/containers/youki 00:19 <+bridge> ``` 00:19 <+bridge> /var/lib/pterodactyl # nslookup ddnet.org 00:19 <+bridge> ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached 00:19 <+bridge> ``` 00:19 <+bridge> @Ryozuki the article says you can disable that via `--privileged` 00:20 <+bridge> can I access that server somewhere to poke it a bit? 00:20 <+bridge> @heinrich5991 do u know if volumes are slower than normal partitions? 00:20 <+bridge> Yeah, it's a bit crazy to me, the huge costs everyone seems to accept nowadays to be on cloud 00:20 <+bridge> sure, `ssh root@bra.ddnet.org` 00:20 <+bridge> this, big time 00:20 <+bridge> aws costs a fortune 00:20 <+bridge> but companies glad to pay 00:21 <+bridge> i think its "google fever" they all think they are on google-scale so they need to use that 00:21 <+bridge> I guess I shouldn't complain since it's what's bringing in my salary though 00:21 <+bridge> but in reality not 00:21 <+bridge> docker uses overlayfs with many layers AFAIK, that might slow things down; but you wouldn't need to do many layers in theory 00:22 <+bridge> You can fix that 00:23 <+bridge> Its a bit work ngl, but its worth it 00:35 <+bridge> it looks like UDP is blocked but TCP isn't 00:35 <+bridge> sorry, no new information from me 00:41 <+bridge> the FORWARD table has a default policy of DROP, this might be one source 00:42 <+bridge> additionally, the DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2 DROPs everything as well 00:42 <+bridge> only changing the FORWARD table's default policy does not fix the problem 00:45 <+bridge> prepending an ACCEPT rule to the FORWARD table didn't help either 08:23 <+bridge> They all think they need to be able to scale to google level overnight 08:24 <+bridge> Docker reminds me of that typical horrible spy disguise glasses with the nose and the mustache 08:25 <+bridge> "Hello there fellow kids, I too am open source, definitely not some weird proprietary that is patiently waiting to lock you all into my platform haha" 08:26 <+bridge> s\/proprietary/proprietary project/ 09:07 <+bridge> TIL i learned that my headset cable can use my phone's touchscreen even tho it is isolated xd 09:08 <+bridge> TIL that my headset cable can use my phone's touchscreen even tho it is isolated xd 09:14 <+bridge> I think in general I'd prefer smth like nix. But i didn't use either of those, so maybe I'd choose based on amount of work and what i want to achieve^^ but the license defs strikes me 09:21 <+bridge> @Avolicious\: what do you run on k3s? The official KoG game servers? 09:33 <+bridge> I think I requested this already a long time ago, but is there a way to add an artificial delay to anti ping? Since alot of people who don't use anti ping get used to compensating the ping delay on their main server, so that when they turn on anti ping it messes with their mental ping compensation and it feels too responsive in a way 09:34 <+bridge> would be very useful for when you want to not play on your main server 09:38 <+bridge> would be very useful for when you want to not play on your main server, where the ping is different 09:40 <+bridge> I think I requested this already a long time ago, but is there a way to add an artificial delay to anti ping? Since alot of people who don't use anti ping get used to compensating the ping delay on their main server, so that when they turn on anti ping it messes with their mental ping compensation and it feels too responsive in a way. You can especially feel it when you need to catch a falling tee 09:45 <+bridge> Yes 10:00 <+bridge> What do you mean by that? You mean changing volume using headset controls? 10:00 <+bridge> I think he means the cable is causing weird behaviour on the touchscreen 10:01 <+bridge> oh, insulated cable then I guess 10:01 <+bridge> I guess it's not as isolated as you think it is and some electric fields are leaking out 10:02 <+bridge> insulated just means there is some plastic around it, right? Shielded cable is what you want, but I don't think people do that for headset cables 10:02 <+bridge> Oh, yep true. Needs to be shielded 10:05 <+bridge> Interesting. I assume you do not have your infrastructure Config files public tho right? .\_. 10:05 <+bridge> (@Avolicious) 10:06 <+bridge> <Александр Язов> hi, my ddnet client closes with error "segmentation fault (core dumped)" 10:06 <+bridge> <Александр Язов> how can this be solved? 10:09 <+bridge> By fixing the bug. And we can find the bug if you provide us the crash dump in dumps from config directory 10:10 <+bridge> Segmentation fault (core dumped) sounds like linux, I don’t think we have our cores in the config folder, do we? 10:10 <+bridge> Oh true mb 10:11 <+bridge> Can you compile your own client with Debug mode and then check for a coredump? Or just run it in gdb? 10:11 <+bridge> Start with gdb in debug mode is probably easiest if reproducible 10:12 <+bridge> If you are on Arch Linux it might be this bug: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/6157 10:12 <+bridge> You can check where your coredumps go with `cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern` 10:14 <+bridge> (`coredumpctl` on most distros) 10:14 <+bridge> And `coredumpctl gdb $pid` to open the correct coredump in GDB directly 10:34 <+bridge> No, our infrastructure is being built with terraform and ansible 10:39 <+bridge> @Avolicious do u work as a sysadmin? 10:39 <+bridge> Outside tw 10:44 <+bridge> https://t.me/+UcYGEjBQwa7gIPN1 10:44 <+bridge> (<@302059820905922560_=47it=48ub>) 10:47 <+bridge> I've been wanting to make ddnet infrastructure into a collection of ansible playbooks for a while now 11:11 <+bridge> Just out of interest, has anyone here worked with VueJS before? Currently doing that at work, it's quite fun but I do prefer C++ over everything :D 11:11 <+bridge> No, cant describe my current Position Well, its somewhere between Software Developer and gitops. But also doing system administration 11:14 <+bridge> The not yet released version of the kog website has been built with vuejs 11:14 <+bridge> I've started with react, but then changed to vue because of its simplicity compared to react 11:15 <+bridge> I do, it's quite pleasant. I love the mix of approaches 11:15 <+bridge> Not as ideological as react 11:16 <+bridge> Yea, that's what I think too 11:17 <+bridge> But for some reason C++ burned into my heart xd 11:17 <+bridge> Well C++ you cant use for web frontend 😄 11:18 <+bridge> Yea, of course, but I mean when it just comes to programming in general 11:19 <+bridge> @Learath2 Do you listen to music while working/programming? 11:19 <+bridge> I always find that very distracting, but lofi works well imo 11:21 <+bridge> I can't study/work/be productive without music. I get intrusive thoughts otherwise. I need the music to occupy my mind 11:21 <+bridge> No, i use svelte 11:21 <+bridge> For my projects 11:21 <+bridge> Best so far 11:21 <+bridge> Way better than react 11:21 <+bridge> and TailwindCSS? 11:21 <+bridge> I still didn't get to try svelte. Maybe I should make some toy project to mess around with it 11:21 <+bridge> Feel you, but listening to singing or rapping while working lets me follow the lyrics aka getting distracted again 11:22 <+bridge> I used to, but frontend is boring so i just slap bootstrap xd 11:22 <+bridge> ah oke, yeah bootstrap seems fair enough 11:22 <+bridge> but tailwind is soo much easier 11:22 <+bridge> I listen to one piece ost xd 11:22 <+bridge> They best 11:22 <+bridge> I'd rather get distracted by lyrics than crippling depressionthoughts 11:22 <+bridge> Devops? 11:23 <+bridge> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dh0K9lLIUk 11:23 <+bridge> good background music I can recommend 11:23 <+bridge> Yeah GitOps, the superset of DevOps 11:23 <+bridge> I told u im not upnto date with the buzzwords xd 11:23 <+bridge> Can't focus when distracted tho 😄 11:24 <+bridge> GitOps is the "correct" way of implementing how DevOps should be 11:24 <+bridge> https://www.gitops.tech 11:24 <+bridge> I listen to lofi or synthwave 11:24 <+bridge> When coding 11:24 <+bridge> yea, lofi 11:24 <+bridge> Music only distracts the part of my brain telling me life sucks 11:25 <+bridge> Life does suck, but it aint that bad if you do something out of it ❤️ 11:25 <+bridge> So I can keep working just fine 11:25 <+bridge> Insert standards xkcd here* 11:26 <+bridge> I know its "easy" but it requires u to invent a consisten and new style 11:26 <+bridge> And i dont wanna put yhat effort rn 11:26 <+bridge> So i take bootstrap style xd 11:26 <+bridge> @Learath2 I have an easy solution for you: Just invent something and you'll be rich :P xd 11:26 <+bridge> no 9-5 anymore 11:26 <+bridge> Way faster prototyping 11:27 <+bridge> Sure, with bootstrap you get everything you need 11:27 <+bridge> I also worked a lot with bootstrap in the past 11:27 <+bridge> it does exactly what I wanted and nothing more or less 11:28 <+bridge> My god, no matter how much I love tea, I always get sooo fucking warm when I drink it :D 11:28 <+bridge> I don't have a 9-5. Nor does my life suck by any objective metric really. Not that easy to solve. Some flavour of brain damage 11:28 <+bridge> You gotta find your peace brother ❤️ 11:29 <+bridge> Life is not daijoubu 11:29 <+bridge> Inventing is not that easy, and then u gotta maintain 11:29 <+bridge> Hire employees to work for ou 11:29 <+bridge> xd 11:29 <+bridge> What do you do for a living, if I may ask? 11:30 <+bridge> Thats the thing, once u have a company 11:30 <+bridge> The company is ur whole life 11:30 <+bridge> Its not a 9-5 job 11:30 <+bridge> Its a 24/7 11:31 <+bridge> I know, but you can definitely create a nice work-life-balance, especially if you have a partner on your side. 11:31 <+bridge> Or step down as the head 11:32 <+bridge> Having a partner doesnt solve the problems right away 😄 11:32 <+bridge> Well, you can split things 11:32 <+bridge> But not work related, only if you work in the same business 11:32 <+bridge> Thats what I mean, sorry, I mean a partner you invent a company with 11:32 <+bridge> Nothing. I study, I get an allowance. Literally the cushiest life ever 11:32 <+bridge> Ahhhh, now everythings clear 😄 11:32 <+bridge> Not a love partner 11:33 <+bridge> Oh thats nice 11:33 <+bridge> Ah sure, wrong turn from my side then 11:33 <+bridge> @Learath2 how long till grad 11:33 <+bridge> I think I can pull it off on september 11:33 <+bridge> Nice 11:33 <+bridge> Huh, I missed jumping in here and talking a little :) 11:33 <+bridge> I skipped uni altogether xd 11:34 <+bridge> This is the last thing I'd like to try. If that doesn't work either I'm planning to spend everything I've saved up so far and moving to new zealand 11:35 <+bridge> Why new zealand 11:35 <+bridge> Visiting gabe? 11:35 <+bridge> I'll become a sheep herder and get hooked on DXM 11:35 <+bridge> Lmao 11:35 <+bridge> why DXM 11:35 <+bridge> No thoughts, no sadness, only sheep 11:35 <+bridge> Whats dxm 11:35 <+bridge> drug 11:35 <+bridge> I mean yeah ik its a drug 11:35 <+bridge> Cough syrup. It reduces your iq by a fair bit 11:36 <+bridge> Lel 11:36 <+bridge> Turns you into a vegetable mostly 11:36 <+bridge> Like Codeine? 11:36 <+bridge> I mean, cough syrup 11:36 <+bridge> why not get some "easy" tech job @Learath2 11:37 <+bridge> easy doesnt mean its soul consuming tho 11:37 <+bridge> xD 11:37 <+bridge> are you missing a "not"? 11:37 <+bridge> i think xd 11:37 <+bridge> Ye 11:37 <+bridge> Mobilr 11:37 <+bridge> zzz 11:38 <+bridge> I think learath doesnt need a easy but a exciting one 11:38 <+bridge> To work the brain 11:38 <+bridge> And get distracted 11:40 <+bridge> Did you guys ever feel like you don't want to work as a programmer your whole life? The whole concept of working in an office/only in front of your computer doesnt please me personally so much. 11:40 <+bridge> But I do like programming in general. What I dislike about it is that you can't "finish" a project. 11:40 <+bridge> I feel sad just sitting around, I doubt the difficulty of work matters 11:42 <+bridge> No 11:42 <+bridge> I feel like i will 11:42 <+bridge> And want 11:43 <+bridge> Cant wait to tell stories on 2069 about what rust was and how much change brought 11:43 <+bridge> To the kidsos 11:43 <+bridge> Kek 11:43 <+bridge> To the kiddos 11:43 <+bridge> You mean that 2069 where AI's create new programs? :P xD 11:44 <+bridge> I'm excited to see what the future brings to technology 11:45 <+bridge> Given we dont get nuked 11:46 <+bridge> wdym, sitting around? sitting around and programming stuff would make you feel bad? 11:46 <+bridge> Learath simply has no goals 11:47 <+bridge> dont think its that simple :D 11:47 <+bridge> Maybe it might work. Idk, will see after I graduate. Once upon a time I used to enjoy that 11:47 <+bridge> No start a revolution 11:47 <+bridge> More fun 11:49 <+bridge> What sort of revolution are we doing 11:50 <+bridge> November 11:51 <+bridge> cuz our democracy aint democracy 11:51 <+bridge> in what way is germany's democracy not a democracy? 11:51 <+bridge> just a try getting close to it 11:51 <+bridge> well ea 11:51 <+bridge> it is in generel of course 11:52 <+bridge> But I personally like the concept of Switzerland better 11:52 <+bridge> ah 🙂 11:52 <+bridge> But it has been integrated into their culture for a long time, that's the reason it works so well over there 11:52 <+bridge> of course we cant just take that approach and live that 11:53 <+bridge> societies are weird 11:53 <+bridge> + smaller countr 11:56 <+bridge> Closed src infrastructure cring 11:56 <+bridge> I prefer if we could vote different ppl for different areas 11:57 <+bridge> Sharing is caring avo 11:57 <+bridge> you mean smaller countries? D: 11:57 <+bridge> :D* 11:58 <+bridge> Subjects i mean 11:58 <+bridge> oh 11:58 <+bridge> Exterior, interior, tech, environment 11:58 <+bridge> we have that in germany 11:59 <+bridge> Isnt it u vote a party 11:59 <+bridge> ah now i get it 11:59 <+bridge> yes you do, and they provide people for sbjects 11:59 <+bridge> Yea 11:59 <+bridge> and u want to vote them directly? 12:00 <+bridge> Ye 12:00 <+bridge> Idc. We have everything in our community, from iran protesters, drug dealers to doctors. But we are missing a true revolutionist 12:00 <+bridge> So please fill the gab 12:00 <+bridge> Gap 12:01 <+bridge> I can't be a lone revolutionary 12:01 <+bridge> I think every community thats bigger than x people has people from A to Z 12:01 <+bridge> Turn into religion kek 12:01 <+bridge> Pope Learath 12:01 <+bridge> Oh holy Learath 12:01 <+bridge> 🙏 12:02 <+bridge> I've considered joining some non-religious cult. Those people are irrationally happy 12:02 <+bridge> cuz they dont give a fuk 12:03 <+bridge> Happiness wont come by searching it 12:06 <+bridge> Exactly. Maybe I can believe in some weird science based cult 12:06 <+bridge> Join the big bang theor 12:06 <+bridge> y 12:07 <+bridge> What would you like to know? All tools I used are open source 👀 12:07 <+bridge> have you tried ea? ^^ not sure if that makes happy though 12:07 <+bridge> xDD 12:08 <+bridge> Ea? 12:08 <+bridge> ITS IN THE GAME 12:13 <+bridge> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effective_altruism 12:32 <+bridge> I do have one last goal. I'd like to have a gf. If others are right and that's useless too I'll be truly goalless 12:33 <+bridge> It's not useless. 12:34 <+bridge> Dont reject love. Let life happen. If it's not good for you, end that chapter and move on. There will be a perfect woman for you. 12:35 <+bridge> Love is the most beautiful thing on earth. 12:36 <+bridge> Letting life happen is what I did so far, look where it got me 12:36 <+bridge> Dont let life passively happen 12:36 <+bridge> Let it actively happen 12:36 <+bridge> Go out, do things, meet people 12:47 <+bridge> Dont pressure yourself or others. Be yourself. 12:48 <+bridge> And you shouldnt fall in self doubt 12:50 <+bridge> He already did 12:50 <+bridge> He has to learn to think different and that can take years 12:55 <+bridge> Wishing all the best, never give up 13:30 <+bridge> You seem to understand me well 13:46 <+bridge> Not my job so :gigachad: 14:36 <+bridge> can I set $CURRENTDIR when i run DDnet-Server executable? 14:37 <+bridge> Hm, that one we get from the parent process. So I guess running the executable using an absolute path while inside another might work 17:19 <+bridge> I wanna see your terraform/ansible and kubernetes repo 17:19 <+bridge> (@Avolicious) 17:42 <+bridge> If u ever used go 17:42 <+bridge> Be reminded the simple use of "go get" gives google lot of info 17:43 <+bridge> https://sourcehut.org/blog/2023-01-09-gomodulemirror/ 17:53 <+bridge> Yikes google banning ppl from issue trackers. But sourcehut seems to be a chill place never heard of it 18:01 <+bridge> all platforms ban some people 18:01 <+bridge> AFAIK 18:01 <+bridge> i.e. name me one that doesn't ^^ 19:06 <+bridge> Why did we have those externs 19:08 <+bridge> Last time someone said "for antibot" I think 19:13 <+bridge> Add extern "Rust" 19:13 <+bridge> :BASEDDEPT: 19:25 <+bridge> extern "Python" { 19:25 <+bridge> void make_my_code_run_at_moderate_speed(); 19:25 <+bridge> } 20:15 <+bridge> :cammostripes: 20:18 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1062088107463294976/RDT_20230109_2018503341980226452858339.jpg 20:24 <+bridge> 2b2t hehe 20:24 <+bridge> (@heinrich5991) 20:25 <+bridge> Imo banning is always bad but especially banning without or with bad reasons and explanation is trash like the dude mentioned in the article ryo sent 20:26 <+bridge> But yea most places do ban and I critique all of them 20:26 <+bridge> hello, I just switched to Linux mint and when I'm starting ddnet I'm getting a blacksccren / sccrenfreeze 20:56 <+bridge> hello, I just switched to Linux mint and when I'm starting ddnet I'm getting a blackscreen / sccrenfreeze. 20:56 <+bridge> 20:56 <+bridge> I also compile it myself, same issue 21:46 <+bridge> any error message on terminal? can you post the full output? other games work fine? 22:15 <+bridge> My sccren freeze like that, can't even move my mouse. Didn't try other games 22:15 <+bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1062117525229412413/a9190641-151e-4392-8935-1a38d4260871.jpg 22:25 <+bridge> some endless loops or deadlock? 22:28 <+bridge> Games which are windowed working fine but games which are in fullscreen aren't working 22:30 <+bridge> @Jupeyy_Keks ^ 22:37 <+bridge> i am not a mesa dev 22:42 <+bridge> Try `./DDNet "gfx_fullscreen 0"` 22:46 <+bridge> Well I can use alt f4 22:47 <+bridge> Well I try the same again and it worked this time 22:53 <+bridge> You should figure out what's wrong with fullscreen on your system, doesn't seem like a DDNet issue 23:23 <+bridge> How can I find that problem? I never used Linux really before sorry 23:42 <+bridge> Start with a google search like `linux screen frozen on fullscreen games` 23:43 <+bridge> Maybe specify distro too