08:51 <+bridge_> [ddnet] :monkalaugh: 10:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] can someone send me the documentation of the source 10:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://wiki.ddnet.tw/wiki/Development 10:42 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://wiki.ddnet.tw/docs/ 11:17 <+bridge_> [ddnet] who needs docs when you got source code \:brain\: 11:19 <+ChillerDragon> Btw i latley realized that one can have multiple build directorys :D I mean i always kinda knew but it never came to my mind when i needed it. I even used to copy the whole repo for a short time haha 11:20 <+ChillerDragon> So nice to have release for playing a debug for development and a headless one for testing and also a clang-tidy one for testing the CI 11:20 <+ChillerDragon> might be even better than bam 11:20 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah, that's the proper cmake way, having multiple build directories 11:21 <+ChillerDragon> kinda cool 11:22 <+ChillerDragon> is there any chance we will ever get str_endswith_nocase? :( 11:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you need it add it yourself? 11:23 <+bridge_> [ddnet] actally all the usages of str_endswith look kind of wrong 11:23 <+bridge_> [ddnet] like they should be endswith_nocase 11:23 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I'll make a PR 11:24 <+ChillerDragon> Implement a string compare supporting multibyte my self? nah i dont think that would happen or get merged xd 11:25 <+ChillerDragon> talkin baut this issue https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/4818#discussion_r825480847 11:26 <+ChillerDragon> got even merged into upstream -.- 11:26 <+ChillerDragon> not saying ddnet has lower standards but is usually merge happier 11:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Next time make it clear faster that you are talking about an existing PR: D 11:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I mised that one, so just started reimplementing it 😄 11:44 <+ChillerDragon> Yea i noticed thats why i posted the link 11:44 <+ChillerDragon> didnt mean to be pushy but i feelt like this pr would stale forever 11:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] just ping in the pr after a week or so 11:45 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or answer the remaining questions, which was the reason why I didn't look into it 11:45 <+ChillerDragon> well heinrich said its broken and i got no solution for it :( 11:46 <+bridge_> [ddnet] none of our str_ (without utf8) handle unicode well 11:47 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but you could implement a utf8 version by converting to unicode codepoints 11:48 <+bridge_> [ddnet] if you have no solution, still write an answer why it doesn't apply or that it should still be merged, but you'll open a new issue etc 11:49 <+bridge_> [ddnet] as long as there are unanswered comments the PR is on you basically 11:51 <+ChillerDragon> yea ik 11:51 <+ChillerDragon> I think heinrich has a valid point i didnt want to write "its broken but just merge it pls" on github xd 11:52 <+ChillerDragon> Wowo what is this black magic? https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/f7e0d4d5c687281c9d68fef16cb8b3ffb1e0f00a/src/game/client/components/chat.cpp#L700 11:52 <+ChillerDragon> casting a const char * to a CLine * 11:53 <+ChillerDragon> does the server just send the struct fields as a string? :D 11:53 <+ChillerDragon> only if its a new enough ddnet client whos receiving it i guess 11:53 <+bridge_> [ddnet] Where is the cast? 11:54 <+bridge_> [ddnet] `auto &&FChatMsgCheckAndPrint = [this](CLine *pLine) {...}` this generates a lambda function and stores it in FChatMsgCheckAndPrint (The F stands for function), the function takes a pLine parameter 11:56 <+ChillerDragon> ah right i read it wrong 11:56 <+ChillerDragon> still getting used to lambdas 11:56 <+ChillerDragon> i just saw pLine a few lines above and thought its the same 11:58 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I'll try to enable -Wshadow 11:59 <+ChillerDragon> Ou yea that sounds helpful 12:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I think I found an actual bug by going through the shadowing: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/master/src/engine/client/graphics_threaded.cpp#L1124 12:22 <+bridge_> [ddnet] CC @Not Keks by not assigning to the old Data we are not using the alloc result after kicked command buffer at all, so basically no retry 12:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] yeah thats a bug, would be nice to enable wshadow 12:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] our codebase is full of it 12:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I'm doing so right now, lots of stuff to fix 12:27 <+bridge_> [ddnet] i found another bug a while ago when i enabled it 12:28 <+bridge_> [ddnet] or at least a code path that makes no sense 12:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I started a while ago 12:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://github.com/Jupeyy/ddnet/commit/8593e8e2cc6f4e7cfdbb81c6eff6483eba4bf2ab 12:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but never finished it 12:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ah, I'm only doing Wshadow=local 12:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] that's easier 12:29 <+bridge_> [ddnet] about 50% through 12:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/12b7ff3d4cc11acc699e15a9d4c2e3ec5cd80276/src/game/client/prediction/entities/projectile.cpp#L144-L147 12:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] TeamMask is used before, so i dunno if this is unintendent 12:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] also dunno what the code acutually does 😄 12:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] that's prediction code, it's always a weird copy of server code 12:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] the branch always results in -1 12:31 <+bridge_> [ddnet] but yeah 12:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] on the server side this looks more reasonable 12:32 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ok 12:33 <+bridge_> [ddnet] I'll remove the teammask there 12:55 <+ChillerDragon> c++ is a bitsh :D 12:56 <+ChillerDragon> i was using the same source and destination for str_truncate() and it worked fine forever until 8 days ago i merged with upstream and it broke :D 13:47 <+ChillerDragon> @deen you still on https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/4816 or should i look into it? 13:52 <+bridge_> [ddnet] since you can reproduce it you can try to fix it 13:56 <+ChillerDragon> oke 13:57 <+bridge_> [ddnet] If you want, you can also build some test scenarios with headless client, then we can run them in CI as a basic sanity check 13:58 <+ChillerDragon> wowo new icons! 13:58 <+ChillerDragon> @deen its on my todo since forever .. but ya know procrastination 14:19 <+ChillerDragon> Lmao all the backtraces refrencing the first few issues https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/issues/1 16:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] are useless visual bugs important to fix? if so i can talk about one that i found 16:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] it's quite irrelevant but 16:59 <+bridge_> [ddnet] You can report it in #bugs ! 18:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] https://twitter.com/WillyrexYT/status/1505599188393938953 18:37 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ups wrong chat 20:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] <ѕα∂ℓσνє🖤> hi anyone can send me sqlite3 pls 20:30 <+bridge_> [ddnet] <ѕα∂ℓσνє🖤> i need it for a friend 20:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] ?xd 20:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] asking for a friend doi u have sume sql? 20:40 <+bridge_> [ddnet] here u go https://sqlite.org/index.html