02:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] bridge is up again 02:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] I haven't reported a bug yet, but I haven't seen a bug similar to that on their bugtracker either 15:45 <+Davide> @QShaR My connection is reported as vpn on your servers, can you fix? My IP: (4G Network) 15:45 <+Davide> @QShaR My connection is reported as vpn on your servers, can you fix? My IP: (4G Network) 15:54 <+Davide> @QShaR My connection is reported as vpn on your servers, can you fix? My IP: (4G Network) 15:54 <+bridge> [ddnet] and you had to say that 3 times? 😄 15:55 <+Davide> Qshar did not answer me 15:55 <+Davide> And i've writed it 3 times 15:56 <+bridge> [ddnet] @qshar 16:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] stop spamming everywhere please. I'm not at home now. I'll take a look when I get back 17:03 <@deen> Davide: why would it matter if it's vpn or not? 17:06 <+Davide> @Deen On KoG server vpn are blocker for chat and vote 17:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] <ᶰ°Konͧsti> cuz gores sucks 17:41 <+bridge> [ddnet] +1 17:42 <+bridge> [ddnet] No that is a good idea tho 18:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] i think ddnet does same 18:17 <+bridge> [ddnet] its dnsl or smth 18:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] dnsbl 18:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] we use it to block votes only tho 18:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] chat is a good idea 18:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] we should do that too 18:21 <+bridge> [ddnet] cuz they only spam 18:22 <+bridge> [ddnet] usually 18:23 <+bridge> [ddnet] code is not set up to handle any of these in a nice way so I don't do them 22:58 <+bridge> [ddnet] developers hi 22:59 <+bridge> [ddnet] :banhammer: 23:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] gores and fng sucks 23:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] lolas too 23:00 <+bridge> [ddnet] and Ryozuki 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] why you say hi here everytime if you know u get no response 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] because only developers dont ban me for saying hi! 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Ryozuki xddddd 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] so I can say hi to them 23:01 <+bridge> [ddnet] :banhammer: 23:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] <ᶰ°Konͧsti> :banhammer: 23:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] stfu @Trip | Trimy Studio and @Ryozuki you are not developers but only hater, go away xD 23:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] I'm 23:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] Xd 23:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] 🤦 23:02 <+bridge> [ddnet] liar 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] Better question is why you there if u not dev 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] <ᶰ°Konͧsti> ban all lolas and everyone is happy :danAmazing: 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/commits?author=Ryozuki 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] Go way 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Ryozuki ur commits are shit xD 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] <ᶰ°Konͧsti> no u 23:03 <+bridge> [ddnet] Xd 23:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] I just said hi to developers stop hating me 23:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] u go away 23:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] you said hi with your 40th account 23:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] Xdsdsss 23:04 <+bridge> [ddnet] but its ok I have a little secret 23:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] http://prntscr.com/jp878s 23:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] <ᶰ°Konͧsti> Don't spam in #developer 23:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] I agree, @Ryozuki stop spam 23:05 <+bridge> [ddnet] Wtfff xdddddddd @Ryozuki 23:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] @lola what's your problem in life? 23:06 <+bridge> [ddnet] everyone calm down a little 🙂 23:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Trip | Trimy Studio I have no problem, I just came here to say hi to developers and now you are all hating me! 23:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] Fuck 23:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] it's sad true 23:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] Xddd 23:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] the problem is that you're creating a lot of noise, on the forum and discord 23:07 <+bridge> [ddnet] it would be nice if you didn't do that 23:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] @lola soo take care of something and go way xd 23:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Trip | Trimy Studio do you know mokuz from ddnet forum? he is chinese too 23:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] Japanese* 23:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] no, chinese 23:08 <+bridge> [ddnet] But not too* 23:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] I'm not chinese 23:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] yes you are 23:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] :boo: 23:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] @lola This is not the place for such conversations 23:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] #off-topic 23:09 <+bridge> [ddnet] :> @Ryozuki 23:10 <+bridge> [ddnet] @Trip | Trimy Studio yes sorry but I don't know any chinese forum around...