09:31 <+Learath2> yeah you already have a backdoor for microsoft no need to invite in other parties 09:35 <+ddnet-discord> Isn't it racist when you only have a backdoor for one country on your pc? 09:50 <+eeeee> it kinda is 09:50 <+eeeee> but would you rather be racist or in a gulag? 16:09 <+ddnet-discord> Can someone come to server, and kick blockers? 😛 16:10 <+ddnet-discord> what server are you even on? 16:12 <+ddnet-discord> You can just follow my nicknam 16:12 <+ddnet-discord> I don't see you on any server 16:12 <+ddnet-discord> weird 16:13 <+ddnet-discord> rus 8309 16:35 <@Nimda> blur by Im 'corneum just released on Brutal at 2017-12-09 16:30 17:49 <+ddnet-discord> ``#if defined(CONF_FAMILY_UNIX)`` is an teeworlds specific macro? 17:49 <+ddnet-discord> it also compiles in my project but i wonder why google only shows teeworlds lul 17:49 <+ddnet-discord> https://www.google.de/search?q=conf_family_unix+c%2B%2B&rlz=1C1CHBF_deDE734DE734&oq=conf_family_unix+c%2B%2B&aqs=chrome..69i57.5876j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 17:51 <+ddnet-discord> xD 17:51 <+ddnet-discord> xd 17:51 <+ddnet-discord> im stupid lmao 17:53 <+ddnet-discord> fuck if i delete messages in discord they are saved for ever in irc? 17:53 <+ddnet-discord> yes 17:53 <+ddnet-discord> oh mummy 17:53 <+ddnet-discord> -- message deleted -- 17:53 <+ddnet-discord> there's no option do delete messages on IRC i guess 17:53 <+ddnet-discord> but, maybe Im wrong 17:54 <+ddnet-discord> we have to spam a bit 17:54 <+ddnet-discord> nobody should read that lul 19:04 <+ddnet-discord> can sb paste it here i am too lazy to go to the irc 19:04 <+ddnet-discord> :p 19:05 <+ddnet-discord> https://ddnet.tw/irclogs/2017-12-09.log 19:05 <+ddnet-discord> here you go 19:05 <+ddnet-discord> 😄 19:05 <+ddnet-discord> 19:05 <+ddnet-discord> fok u 19:05 <+ddnet-discord> hahahah! 19:06 <+ddnet-discord> Nobody SAW :d 19:07 <+ddnet-discord> Its fine I just deleted something probably political incorrect thing too xd 20:32 <+Learath2> why would you be ashamed of that tho? :P 20:33 <+ddnet-discord> me or chiller? 22:10 <+ddnet-discord> u ofc 22:18 <+Learath2> @Ram yours didn't even reach irc for some reason 22:26 <+ddnet-discord> it has delay 😄