00:00 < bridge> i wonder if winit handles it better, they seems to use a different way to clamp the mouse inside the window 😄 00:00 < bridge> oh wow already next day, cya 00:00 < bridge> gn8 00:17 < bridge> I am trying to cross compile right now and get the following error message: "could not find ssp paths" a quick google search couldn't help me, I guess a dependency is missing? 00:17 < bridge> `cmake .. -D...` 00:20 < bridge> try searching the source code for "could not find ssp paths" 00:21 < bridge> have you downloaded the git submodule? 00:23 < bridge> argh thank you I should go to bed 00:38 < ws-client> We should ask the active mobile gamers how they like the old controls. We should not break their workflow with a new release that has different controls. 00:44 < bridge> cross compiling with mingw, needed to install rust first, needed to set mingw to posix, all in order to compile for windows. STILL EASIER THEN USING VISUAL STUDIO 00:48 < ws-client> cross compile from windows to windows? xd 00:48 < ws-client> what are you crossing then? 00:51 < bridge> cross compile from ubuntu to windows 03:28 < ws-client> there is mingw on ubuntu? o.O 03:29 < ws-client> yo @heinrich5991 can i turn off this spamming message? `2024-05-09 09:27:40 D stun/6: couldn't send stun request` i am having a hard time reading my debug prints with scrolling logs 03:53 < bridge> it’s just gcc that targets windows lol 03:53 < bridge> yea mingw is anywhere u need it 03:55 < bridge> if anyone will do it pls do remember that client sends any input given to the server and it can be used by modifications 07:27 < bridge> gm 07:28 < bridge> anyone know why the rendering bounces with the window resize but only in x direction? xd 07:28 < bridge> am i doing smth wrong or is this common place with opengl? 07:28 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1237999678184886312/2024-05-09_07-26-36.mp4?ex=663db08c&is=663c5f0c&hm=02d42eda2a995d445620eba7f927f1812f8fb70a942db39f81d9a00270e37a42& 07:32 < bridge> I think that "bounce" looks more of a center alignment for me 07:33 < bridge> on second look, the scale is off by 80% on the horizontal axis?? 07:33 < bridge> on second look, the scale is off by 80%~ on the horizontal axis?? 07:35 < bridge> does the TextureWidth account for the current size, or the default size of the window? 07:35 < bridge> Something's fishy beyond line 24 07:36 < bridge> I think that "bounce" looks more of a center alignment for me (wrong call) 07:40 < bridge> i fixed the scale of the characters. but thats not what im talking about. there is no center alignment. 07:41 < bridge> i fixed the scale of the characters but thats not what im talking about. there is no center alignment. 07:41 < bridge> that's your window manager's frame? 07:41 < bridge> yea 07:41 < bridge> just seems like the wm is painting a black brush behind as it waits on your app to respond 07:42 < bridge> if you move it slowly does it jiggle 07:46 < bridge> it doesn't happen with other applications 07:47 < bridge> yours might just be slow 07:47 < bridge> idk 07:47 < bridge> xD 07:47 < bridge> or more likely you're not pumping events frequently enough 07:47 < bridge> but that shouldn't make the whole rendering scene move xD 07:47 < bridge> if i was slow then it would not do anything 07:49 < bridge> this is my resize callback 07:49 < bridge> ```cpp 07:49 < bridge> void framebuffer_size_callback(GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height) { 07:49 < bridge> glViewport(0, 0, width, height); 07:49 < bridge> glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); 07:49 < bridge> glLoadIdentity(); 07:49 < bridge> glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, -1, 1); 07:49 < bridge> glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); 07:49 < bridge> } 07:49 < bridge> ``` 07:59 < bridge> iunno 08:03 < bridge> anyone know why the rendering bounces with the window resize but only in y direction? xd 08:03 < bridge> am i doing smth wrong or is this common place with opengl? 08:03 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1237999678184886312/2024-05-09_07-26-36.mp4?ex=663db08c&is=663c5f0c&hm=02d42eda2a995d445620eba7f927f1812f8fb70a942db39f81d9a00270e37a42& 08:03 < bridge> morning 08:04 < bridge> gm 08:04 < bridge> morning ☕ 08:04 < bridge> idk if i3 is messing with me or why it only affects one axis 08:04 < bridge> ☕ 08:26 < bridge> can you do it slower? seems like compositor makes its work 08:37 < bridge> when going slower the bounce is lesser too. 08:37 < bridge> compositor? Do you mean smth like picom or OpenGL related 08:42 < bridge> my dumbass guess would be something to do with drawing leftrightbottomup 08:44 < bridge> not sure if there is even a possible way to fix it tho. cuz i have no idea if different window compositors behaves differently. i mean it can even be the compositor being the one drawing leftrightbottomup so it could also be possible that it wasn't even something you could fix in application. 08:47 < bridge> if you are not making Windowkill i think you should just ignore it. 08:49 < bridge> i mean you could try flipping your framebuffer and see if the problem goes away. and if the window problem goes away, you can figure out how to flip your content so it was the right way up again. 08:55 < bridge> I will try ❤️ 09:06 < bridge> 09:07 < bridge> i'm no graphic dev so.... 09:07 < bridge> just guessing 09:11 < bridge> i think this happens because there are old frames still stored in the WM's frame queue and it uses the current window dimensions to rescale it or smth. 09:11 < bridge> i dunno if u can fix it, do other apps not do it? 09:11 < bridge> none that i know of 09:12 < bridge> so ddnet works with opengl? 09:12 < bridge> without bounces 09:12 < bridge> dunno i can't resize it since my cursor is captured xdd 09:12 < bridge> f1 09:13 < bridge> lol i just found a bug 09:13 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1238026137314136074/image.png?ex=663dc930&is=663c77b0&hm=34d0f0c956aaaa069b92a7e284f8d7a88b5b91d6a38bfa146532436e018035b9& 09:14 < bridge> that's no bug, it finally stops rendering that ugly chess field, that's a feature :lol: 09:15 < bridge> my eyes can't tell if ddnet is bouncing since there are so many moving parts xd 09:15 < bridge> anyway, ddnet does this: 09:15 < bridge> - gets resize event 09:15 < bridge> - halts the backend 09:15 < bridge> - sets the new viewport via glViewport 09:16 < bridge> - continues rendering 09:16 < bridge> i assume ur program is single threaded? 09:16 < bridge> opaque resize 09:16 < bridge> :gigachad: 09:28 < bridge> ohh. since i invert the projection it thinks it resizes correctly but it does not xdd 09:28 < bridge> nvm that didn't fix it 09:44 < bridge> ChillerDragon: easiest way would probably to get an IPv6 address ^^ 09:44 < bridge> how much is "spammed"? 09:45 < bridge> perhaps you could add a `grep -v --line-buffered "stun request"` to the command line? 10:03 < bridge> ```x86asm 10:03 < bridge> .text 10:03 < bridge> .file "LLVMDialectModule" 10:03 < bridge> .globl main 10:03 < bridge> .p2align 4, 0x90 10:03 < bridge> .type main,@function 10:03 < bridge> main: 10:03 < bridge> subq $24, %rsp 10:03 < bridge> movabsq $8031924123371070824, %rax 10:03 < bridge> leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi 10:03 < bridge> movq %rax, 8(%rsp) 10:03 < bridge> movl $560229490, 16(%rsp) 10:03 < bridge> movb $0, 20(%rsp) 10:03 < bridge> callq puts@PLT 10:03 < bridge> xorl %eax, %eax 10:03 < bridge> addq $24, %rsp 10:03 < bridge> retq 10:03 < bridge> .Lfunc_end0: 10:04 < bridge> .size main, .Lfunc_end0-main 10:04 < bridge> 10:04 < bridge> .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits 10:04 < bridge> ``` 10:04 < bridge> epyc hello world assembly 10:04 < bridge> xd 10:06 < bridge> para que 10:11 < bridge> <.razumm> im developer 10:12 < bridge> i am also a developer! 10:12 < bridge> <.razumm> 🔞 10:12 < bridge> <.razumm> give me my developer role 10:12 < bridge> thats.. not how it works 10:12 < bridge> make pr to ddnet 10:12 < bridge> <.razumm> im developer 💯 10:12 < bridge> hi developer im dad 10:12 < bridge> @dev role: Assigned to users with accepted pull requests on our main repository. 10:13 < bridge> no you're not, thats me. 10:13 < bridge> <.razumm> hi dad 10:13 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/programming-rust-c-lang-cpp-cplusplus-gif-26743262 10:14 < bridge> i have some question. im making a 2D pixelart game. 10:14 < bridge> Should the text be embedded into the sprites for buttons or should it be dynamically rendered onto them? 10:14 < bridge> Should the buttons be extensible and split up into parts so you can scale the axis independently or hardcoded? 10:14 < bridge> Is a ui system like ddnet has a good option or are there better ones? 10:14 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1238041446284529674/image.png?ex=663dd772&is=663c85f2&hm=292bfae70fedd4ad0a4b381867daeeef77740ca56bde63ab84e130a0b1fff68b& 10:15 < bridge> <.razumm> are u web-cam model ? 10:15 < bridge> <.razumm> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1238041696361644106/image.png?ex=663dd7ae&is=663c862e&hm=51676aa9fe01b41c18f4251f5326a3ee6e4f093d06b8236c0838c1737ff5e511& 10:15 < bridge> embedded text is useful if the text never really changes 10:16 < bridge> i kinda don't want to make 25 sprites for 25 buttons tho. does it have any other advantages? 10:17 < bridge> better ones please jesus 10:17 < bridge> :kek: 10:17 < bridge> huh? xD 10:17 < bridge> use something like 9 slice for buttons 10:17 < bridge> it's very generic 10:17 < bridge> ddnet ui pretty good xd 10:17 < bridge> no 10:18 < bridge> works for any kind of rectangular primitive 10:18 < bridge> yes that was what i was planning 10:18 < bridge> then what q about buttons 10:18 < bridge> but for positioning 10:18 < bridge> :dab1: 10:19 < bridge> probably use a layout system with proper margins and such 10:19 < bridge> epyc pr 10:19 < bridge> the math isn't complicated even for multiple kinds of size policies 10:19 < bridge> okay im going with ddnet ui :D 10:19 < bridge> other sounds too complicated xd 10:19 < bridge> :dyingmonkey: 10:20 < bridge> :dyingmonkey: my honest reaction 10:20 < bridge> , 10:20 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1211987522117435452.webp?size=80&quality=lossless 10:20 < bridge> please add ddnet jank to ur game 10:20 < bridge> xDD 10:20 < bridge> it's gonna be good xd 10:20 < bridge> teero have u ever seen any other ui code 10:20 < bridge> ever 10:20 < bridge> not really lmaoo 10:20 < bridge> ddnet ui is 10:20 < bridge> so good 10:20 < bridge> so goddamn convoluted 10:21 < bridge> and it's not really performant 10:21 < bridge> especially since you have to rebuild and render your entire layout every frame 10:21 < bridge> yea thats a shame 10:21 < bridge> some kind of dirty/damage/retained mode rendering is needed for a performant game ui 10:21 < bridge> which isn't rly possilbe with ddnet system 10:22 < bridge> chillerdragon when use prebuild binarys so i dont have to remove the cmakecache of each single dep if i wanna play around with generators in Craft >:( 10:22 < bridge> why would you want that 10:22 < bridge> use a competent package manager and then he doesn't need to provide anything 10:22 < bridge> shared libraries... 10:23 < bridge> i have 0 sympathy for VS users in 2024 10:23 < bridge> if u missed the msys2 bus it's probably over 10:23 < bridge> cavemen 10:23 < bridge> i am using ninja tho 10:23 < bridge> :dab: 10:23 < bridge> congratulations 10:24 < bridge> with minGW toolchain 10:24 < bridge> :dab: 10:24 < bridge> the compiler is the least problematic thing about VS 10:24 < bridge> https://tenor.com/view/vro-silly-cat-chausie-cat-cute-gif-13783858232026409779 10:26 < bridge> no idea how to make ui code properly. ik i don't want to use ddnet code 10:27 < bridge> ddnet draws on a virtual canvas and then scales to the real resolution right? so everything fits 10:28 < bridge> ddnet just transposes coordinates based on the nearest integer scale factor 10:28 < bridge> morning 10:28 < bridge> good morning 10:31 < bridge> you most likely want object oriented 10:31 < bridge> every unique control inherits from a base control which responds to particular events that are propagated by its parents of the same type 10:31 < bridge> events like render, mouse, resize, etc 10:32 < bridge> every unique control inherits from a base control which responds to particular events that are propagated by its parents which inherit the same type 10:33 < bridge> instead of working with rectangles manually you can have properties for all of your controls which define size, and they can either be placed absolutely or they can be in a layout system which also receives the resize event and decides where to place its children based on their properties 10:35 < bridge> and then for custom behavior you reimplement these event handlers 10:35 < bridge> you don't need very much for a system like this 11:47 < bridge> was reported (by me 🧌) 11:47 < bridge> was reported (by me :troll: :) 11:47 < bridge> was reported (by me :troll:) 11:48 < bridge> trolling fellow irc members 11:48 < bridge> does anyone know how to actually stick with assembler? 11:50 < bridge> some voices told me that i'll be learning 8080 asm (KR580VM80A actually but they should be identical ig), but i can't really find anything as an introduction 11:57 < bridge> @heinrich5991 im sorry for ping, but can you review #7820 in your free time? 11:58 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7820 12:37 < bridge> What are generators? Why do you have to remove the cache? But yea cache in the dependencies sounds like a problem. I wonder if cmake has something like `make clean` I still think Makefile is better than cmake lol 12:45 < bridge> what are generators LOL 12:45 < bridge> chiller plz stop trolling 12:45 < bridge> it does have a clean target 12:56 < bridge> what are generators - gg 12:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1238082333257629696/image.png?ex=663dfd86&is=663cac06&hm=af8bf29bbc663ecb10f42ddca66cf1a2449c2ad56cd596e0ac623ca9677cb1bb& 13:25 < bridge> <.razumm> рш шь вумудщзук 13:25 < bridge> <.razumm> oi 13:33 < bridge> red deutsch du hurensohn 13:34 < bridge> this is english chat only. if you want to talk your native language move to #off-topic please. 13:34 < bridge> 13:34 < bridge> If you have trouble talking english, use a translator like https://deepl.com 15:42 < bridge> @learath2 ill make a c api library 15:42 < bridge> for tablegen 15:42 < bridge> and then a rust crate using it 15:42 < bridge> xd 16:18 < bridge> Even patching out the line is easier than just getting an ipv6. 16:20 < bridge> It printed like 3 times in a row making me confuse lines in my debug mess every time 16:21 < bridge> I look at the local console too. It would be nice if there was a config to turn it off or it would only print once. The master server also does some logging client side. It all seems a bit polluted. 16:43 < bridge> Who is a tablegen? 16:46 < bridge> https://llvm.org/docs/TableGen/ 16:52 < bridge> Interesting, so why does it need a C api? Looks more like a standalone tool that one invokes 16:54 < bridge> nope 16:54 < bridge> its used as a library 16:55 < bridge> The TableGen front end parses a file, instantiates the declarations, and hands the result off to a domain-specific backend for processing. 16:56 < bridge> https://llvm.org/docs/TableGen/BackGuide.html 16:56 < bridge> @learath2 you can make a rust macro backend to make rust files from tablegen 16:57 < bridge> llvm makes c++ files from tablegen 17:04 < bridge> . 17:06 < bridge> Ah, I see, and why don't you directly wrap the C++ api instead? 17:32 < bridge> do you think u like c now more than you did before you started your job? :lol: 17:32 < bridge> no xd 21:09 < bridge> i get the feeling rust-analyzer has some serious memory leaks xD 21:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1238206234470125741/image.png?ex=663e70eb&is=663d1f6b&hm=bf41ac99f91ad64792a939864d78805b6ac111a6c853a24afe20de4bc42a8975& 21:09 < bridge> nah its only 22gb, its fiiiiiine 21:10 < bridge> why delete @blaiszephyr 21:10 < bridge> i.. didnt? 21:10 < bridge> wtf 21:10 < bridge> i saw the msg then it was gone 21:10 < bridge> ❓ on what kind of list am i on 21:10 < bridge> help 21:13 < bridge> What happened here? Did they refund it? 😄 21:57 < bridge> https://brooker.co.za/blog/2024/05/09/nagle.html 23:03 < bridge> He realllllly needed those 4€ back dddd 23:03 < bridge> He realllllly needed those 4€ back xddd 23:14 < bridge> Sometimes you really do need it 23:19 < bridge> I wouldn't be surprised with the state of the turkish economy 😛 23:20 < bridge> Some people are just broke 23:20 < bridge> $4 can be the difference between eating and not eating 23:28 < bridge> is there a way to mute whispers right now? 23:29 < bridge> cl_showchat 0 23:29 < bridge> :D - no i meant specificly only whispers 23:31 < bridge> You can mute the person 23:31 < bridge> another chat filter setting for chiller 😪 23:35 < bridge> i thought about it more as an addition the streamer_mode 23:35 < bridge> teamchat only, disable whispers, etc 23:36 < bridge> but locked behind streamer_mode, useful for stormax, stepfunn, cendren, rqza, me, and a few others that i cant recall atm 23:37 < bridge> stepfunn HAS to turn his chat off and peak at it through the damn console because he's constantly getting harassed :D 23:38 < bridge> lol fucked up