00:15 < bridge_> @teero777 lets made mewing-client 00:15 < bridge_> ? 00:17 < bridge_> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236079150813413467/images.jpg?ex=6636b3ea&is=6635626a&hm=3a6ea120f4dd8c0d4c9ce3b31958b85887b709b478cd1f9cf6352a9563ae17e7& 01:47 < bridge_> ? 11:36 < ws-client> 2 more and we hit #8303 11:39 < bridge> xdd 11:40 < bridge> make an issue "change server port to 8304" 11:50 < ws-client> lmao 11:51 < ws-client> Genius idea actually. Then you can run a ddnet server and a teeworlds server at the same time on their default ports. 12:43 < bridge> Chilleeeeer 12:43 < bridge> 12:43 < bridge> how can i run the ddnet CI locally? 13:12 < bridge> I wouldn't show the wrong filenames in the list, then you'd need extra memory to store the longer filenames. If it should be more obvious, we could emit a warning popup for every skin that failed to load. 13:13 < bridge> what extra memory. you mean that the invalid skins are loaded? 13:14 < bridge> I mean we currently use `m_aName[24]` for skins names, so if you want to even show the longer names you'd need to increase the size or use `std::string` 13:14 < bridge> mh right that's how the ddnet client is doing it 13:16 < bridge> i changed the skin container for dd-pg like this: 13:16 < bridge> - potentially loadable skins are in a "index"-list, this _can_ include skins that are downloaded over http 13:16 < bridge> - skins are always lazy loaded, since the list knows all names it automatically triggers the loading of the skin 13:16 < bridge> - skins are unloaded if unused for a certain amount of time 13:19 < bridge> Lazy skin loading is also on my list, but then I decided to first rewrite the image loader so it's usable for that, that should be ready soon. Right now the `downloadedskins` folder is write-only, we always download the skins from the internet again even if the skin already exists in the folder. My idea would be to load the skin from the local storage first and at the same time download the skin again and only write it to the storage and reload it i 13:21 < bridge> ah yeah that was the part i thought about the most. 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> dd-pg will require http resources to have an index. 13:21 < bridge> Actually when i implemented the skin database i already thought about the same: 13:21 < bridge> https://skins.ddnet.org/skin/skins.json 13:21 < bridge> 13:21 < bridge> Sadly i forgot to include file hashes. Additionally i'd change that the json is per dir, so community etc. have their own index. 13:22 < bridge> that way you only need to download the json and never the real file, as long as the file + hash exist locally 13:22 < bridge> Even better would be if there was a downloadable skin index json which contained the hashes of the current skin files, so downloading the entire skin would be unnecessary to check if it's unchanged 13:22 < bridge> 😉 15:54 < ws-client> @meloƞ which part of the CI? I just copy pasted the parts I need from the workflows into a shell script and run that https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/tree/master/.github/workflows 16:01 < bridge> i see - just want to see if CI is happy before doing a PR and having to fix it lol ty 16:03 < ws-client> The ci runs on git push btw 16:03 < ws-client> pr or not 16:04 < ws-client> but yea i usually run just ``./scripts/fix_style.py`` before commit. And if I am extra motivated i run my script that runs like 90% of the CI tests but it takes a long time. 16:05 < ws-client> Is there some start using actions button for you here? https://github.com/BlaiZephyr/ddnet/actions 16:06 < ws-client> Then before you open the pr with ddnet you can check if the pipeline passes in your fork https://github.com/BlaiZephyr/ddnet/tree/add-team0-indicator 16:06 < ws-client> If your pr is already open just force push and test on github. 16:07 < bridge> there was indeed, no workflow running currently, let me try it out 16:08 < bridge> lol it works - how did i miss that - thanks 16:09 < ws-client> <:poggers2:1008007455936094328> 16:09 < bridge> all hail --allow-empty fr 16:09 < bridge> me omw to force push 920 commits up teeworlds-community 16:10 < ws-client> you also see it here btw https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/8293 16:10 < ws-client> CI everywhere 16:10 < bridge> :justatest: 16:10 < bridge> XD 16:21 < bridge> u seriously code without code formatter? 16:21 < bridge> that's savage 16:21 < bridge> you code with a code formatter? 16:21 < bridge> i often write so much stuff in one line 16:21 < bridge> then press save 16:21 < bridge> and it formats epycally 16:22 < bridge> i format it on the spot simply because thats how i organize my code 16:23 < bridge> ye my ide has no formatter i never bothered to set one up since ./scripts/fix\_style.py works good enough 16:23 < bridge> "works good enough" - chiller on his way to open 3 PR's about style 16:23 < bridge> :justatest: 16:23 < bridge> but yes i also often write really sloppy code because i know the format script will carry my ass 16:23 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236322356633534464/epyc.mp4?ex=6637966b&is=663644eb&hm=df9ea9c02b132cbb44349c04e7829488ee422c1930d9c634578f952cb1a986ce& 16:23 < bridge> rare video of me codin 16:25 < bridge> for personal projects i dont even use a formatter at all, cba to set it up and they 16:25 < bridge> indend 16:25 < bridge> way 16:25 < bridge> to 16:25 < bridge> weird 16:25 < bridge> imo 16:26 < bridge> but then this happens sometimes. 16:26 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236322986097643591/image.png?ex=66379701&is=66364581&hm=b7fc8150ef7e63b456ddbb1f9fa495fcf7be636e12faacf7512edab20e8781b3& 16:29 < bridge> BRO 16:30 < bridge> u didnt even code in that video 16:30 < bridge> lmao 16:30 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236323933653831741/debug_dragon.mp4?ex=663797e3&is=66364663&hm=59731c81e1debb7631c4fe26ec012d81b4f4988e53dba4c1e4b9bdf0bfd54d1d& 16:30 < bridge> banger song in background tho 16:30 < bridge> i dont code 16:30 < bridge> i only debug 16:30 < bridge> nice name leak btw 16:30 < bridge> wot where xd 16:30 < bridge> got u sweating, be honest 16:31 < bridge> it did 16:31 < bridge> nice ip leak, 10€ paypal or i ddos 16:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236324337263444081/image.png?ex=66379843&is=663646c3&hm=8b3361e87caa2512242dfea60f811a77e65b63ebf6afc6feba8fa456234d8c8e& 16:31 < bridge> 😬 16:31 < bridge> 1337 16:31 < bridge> what a gamer 16:31 < bridge> xd 16:31 < bridge> HAHA 16:31 < bridge> I DIDNT EVEN SEE 16:32 < bridge> my dummy port is 6969 16:32 < bridge> its nice for debugging in wireshark to quickly see 8303 is server 1337 is main and 6969 is dummy 16:33 < bridge> i just doxed my self. pls dont finger print me when i use fake names to block Learath2 in game 16:37 < bridge> pain 16:37 < bridge> @robyt3: why no WSL? 16:37 < bridge> or is that your ubuntu vm? 16:37 < bridge> sublime text is wild - i tried it once but dropped it pretty fast 16:38 < bridge> are you paying for it robsti? xd 16:38 < bridge> Haven't used WSL yet, I use VirtualBox for the VM 16:39 < bridge> No, I click the popup 😄 16:39 < bridge> video or did not happen 16:39 < bridge> Well, sometimes I use the keyboard to close the popup 16:39 < bridge> https://cdn-fastly.obsproject.com/downloads/OBS-Studio-30.1.2-Full-Installer-x64.exe 16:39 < bridge> lmao robsti coding video will be him clicking "Maybe later" in the gui popup xd 16:40 < bridge> I highly recommend to try WSL 16:40 < bridge> your coding video was you doxxing yourself for 40 seconds smh 16:40 < bridge> its actually good 16:40 < bridge> true 16:40 < bridge> @chillerdragon give real video 16:40 < bridge> coding client-side on wsl2 is something that i couldnt figure out correctly 16:41 < bridge> aswell as registering an actual ddnet server, because networking and stuff 16:41 < bridge> real? 16:41 < bridge> it was real 16:42 < bridge> you want more or wat? 16:46 < bridge> actually scared of sending coding setup atm 16:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236328364583813130/snapchatdragon.mp4?ex=66379c03&is=66364a83&hm=86f117464e27105badd594b9eecaa8df47afa041a37a8054eb43bc6468e567fe& 16:47 < bridge> this was me losing it while debugging snap issues 16:49 < bridge> with the music in the background - i understand. 16:49 < bridge> you should make youtube 16:49 < bridge> good thing i have discord muted by default :owo: 16:50 < bridge> xd 16:50 < bridge> are you saying i should upload my debug sufferings? 16:50 < bridge> absolutely 16:51 < bridge> with commentary ofc 16:51 < bridge> live stream your suffering! :bluekitty: 16:51 < bridge> would love to hear your angelic voice 16:51 < bridge> i dev at like 4am german time 16:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236330283482091610/voicereveal.mp4?ex=66379dcd&is=66364c4d&hm=b5edfeeafcfee6f74b3acce05a2ba0d6211bf19f90d51e6b9a2db2ca8bb4c152& 16:55 < bridge> ok like jopsti said now everyone has to post a video of their setup with them commenting :p 16:57 < bridge> and yes - i indeed type that slow when i code. 16:57 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236330941400481862/Unbenanntes_Video_Mit_Clipchamp_erstellt_1.mp4?ex=66379e6a&is=66364cea&hm=d8c24dffbc10b25ee1bb4eaf97378db80ef1c9c854860d9a36aa82668197d8b5& 16:58 < bridge> also copilot is a bully, i might just dump it 17:00 < ws-client> transparent editor and running tw is gigachad 17:01 < ws-client> oke good nite every1 17:01 < bridge> nighty night 17:01 < ws-client> robsti dont forget to merge ddnet 0.7 pr tonite, thank 17:01 < bridge> :justatest: 17:03 < bridge> chiller close 0.7 pr tonight 17:03 < bridge> I'll review it again tomorrow :justatest: 17:03 < bridge> roby where video of code setup :angy: 17:04 < bridge> where live stream 17:04 < bridge> with loud thinking process 17:05 < bridge> i rather watch @ryozuki's fishy live stream for 10 hours than hear a dev moan about not understanding why the code returns exit code -1 17:05 < bridge> (not meaning roby with that - dont ban pls ty love you) 17:05 < bridge> you want to imply robyte moans the whole time because he does not understand why the code returns -1? 17:05 < bridge> xdd 17:06 < bridge> At least I didn't have to debug a CI-only bug recently :greenthing: 17:06 < bridge> :monkaStop: :crythumbsup: 17:06 < bridge> rude 17:07 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7886 17:07 < bridge> 17:07 < bridge> its always the damn CI 17:07 < bridge> XD 17:08 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7886 17:08 < bridge> 17:08 < bridge> its always the damn CI (please help) 19:41 < bridge> thoughts about this as the indicator for team0mode? without the water, i personally like it very much - idea from deen 19:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372247829286943/hudtest1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=70dcc41fbc477a9ba35cdfb758a913cd058c44cbda83fa9d64f60ba382650648& 19:41 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372248269553836/hud1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=e5a4a42d17cb41f2614745bc4a6334e1df01bc608b3baea0f20f3a12684ff8e3& 19:42 < bridge> thoughts about this as the indicator for team0mode? without the water, i personally like it very much - idea from deen, design from insanity 19:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372247829286943/hudtest1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=70dcc41fbc477a9ba35cdfb758a913cd058c44cbda83fa9d64f60ba382650648& 19:42 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372248269553836/hud1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=e5a4a42d17cb41f2614745bc4a6334e1df01bc608b3baea0f20f3a12684ff8e3& 19:43 < bridge> thoughts about this as the indicator for team0mode without the water. i personally like it very much - idea from @0xdeen , design from @.insanity_ 19:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372247829286943/hudtest1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=70dcc41fbc477a9ba35cdfb758a913cd058c44cbda83fa9d64f60ba382650648& 19:43 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372248269553836/hud1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=e5a4a42d17cb41f2614745bc4a6334e1df01bc608b3baea0f20f3a12684ff8e3& 19:44 < bridge> thoughts about this as the indicator for team0mode without the water. i personally like it very much - idea from @0xdeen , design from @.insanity_ 19:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372248269553836/hud1.png?ex=6637c4e2&is=66367362&hm=e5a4a42d17cb41f2614745bc4a6334e1df01bc608b3baea0f20f3a12684ff8e3& 19:44 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236372913012215838/hudtest3.png?ex=6637c581&is=66367401&hm=d769001040098533ebb06f33f18cf57bb2ae54261e2835ad55b64ffab8f639e2& 19:44 < bridge> lmao 19:44 < bridge> team boat 19:44 < bridge> shots fired 19:45 < bridge> oh captain, my captain 19:45 < bridge> his first thought was just a boat OUT OF TEES 19:45 < bridge> seems a tad small 19:45 < bridge> as in design elements are too small 19:47 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236373698072678502/image.png?ex=6637c63c&is=663674bc&hm=813d5ebe11a3d155bc10f4ff41035c3e051fd46b35daa170348a0739d6f8ef8a& 19:47 < bridge> why not a tee that is oval and looks like a 0 19:50 < bridge> @louis.place 19:50 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236374459460354099/image.png?ex=6637c6f1&is=66367571&hm=095a41083fc166df59dcd217a6643062f1aeb8b0305ca1557863ffed9f601e46& 19:51 < bridge> if your dick looks like that then i am sorry for you 😭 19:51 < bridge> chat leak 19:51 < bridge> i asked for permission 19:51 < bridge> uff shots fired against insanity 19:51 < bridge> isnt she a girl 19:52 < bridge> :monkaStop: YOURS DOESNT LOOK LIKE THAT? 19:52 < bridge> @.insanity_ are you a girl? 19:52 < bridge> <.insanity_> I guess so lol 19:52 < bridge> god damn it 19:52 < bridge> *blocks* 19:52 < bridge> <.insanity_> ?? 19:52 < bridge> melon cant handle females 19:53 < bridge> :YEP: 19:58 < bridge> :lol: 19:58 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236376303905804491/image.png?ex=6637c8a9&is=66367729&hm=86f83ec39c0a383d6e09d446b6a9e4c8fbd2dcdd9cd3d644a0025cf8a4c7ed8b& 19:58 < bridge> dude calls me a catboy - gg 19:58 < bridge> dude calls me a catboy - gg, nice like counter btw 19:58 < bridge> i already have word "cat" in my name :justatest: 20:05 < bridge> who's your wife wtf 20:05 < bridge> :justatest: 20:07 < bridge> and your daughter :justatest: 20:08 < bridge> :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: :justatest: 20:08 < bridge> oh mugi chan got timeouted 20:09 < bridge> famous last words. 20:09 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236379275515531364/image.png?ex=6637cb6e&is=663679ee&hm=a6776896af219725be23f934c509c13ffc1ffc85d34cdd669dd7ff1ef4ab9870& 20:11 < bridge> @gerdoe how good are you with cmake and ddnet CI ? XD any idea why this breaks? 20:11 < bridge> 20:11 < bridge> https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/7886 20:11 < bridge> 20:11 < bridge> even sanitizing it with `OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE` wont work 20:11 < bridge> 20:11 < bridge> (while i got you here anyway) 20:14 < bridge> i can tell you the fix 20:14 < bridge> update the ci to ubuntu 22 20:14 < bridge> i... - fair. 20:14 < bridge> we dont need 4 years support 20:15 < bridge> 20.04 has his EoL 2025 anyway no? 20:15 < bridge> eh EoSS 20:15 < bridge> eh EoS 20:15 < bridge> https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/9691 20:16 < bridge> soon the default is 24 anyway 20:19 < bridge> i got 2x32gb ram so 64gb 20:19 < bridge> with amd expo 20:19 < bridge> i'd like to use my VRAM as RAM 20:19 < bridge> it's often unused 20:19 < bridge> 6000mt/s 20:20 < bridge> fast 20:21 < bridge> there's some regex after the executing, try "-m([^\r\n]+)" as suggested in https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=73502 20:22 < bridge> (i can't read regex though xd) 20:22 < bridge> ig it just removes all the \r and \n it sees 20:31 < bridge> new indicator designs!!! 20:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236384704563773510/hud8.png?ex=6637d07c&is=66367efc&hm=e537ac13ad07517a8880ac93919be4869c0a806acdbcea3205dcc4375216f565& 20:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236384704983465994/hud9.png?ex=6637d07c&is=66367efc&hm=d0b31893f323842c902262ed9ca40e7ed09f663d2acd1cbe0c477e583838305f& 20:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236384705318748331/hud10.png?ex=6637d07c&is=66367efc&hm=dd8118175a276e5d72f25fd7e513565b68901449e5ca4a786de30fea13b7f2e2& 20:31 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236384705729925160/hud7.png?ex=6637d07c&is=66367efc&hm=875324f66dd28738dc1a7f90d0a19a21d90086263ce911cba6b7cd44f0a39b47& 20:40 < bridge> what does dat boat means 20:40 < bridge> what does dat boat mean 20:42 < bridge> any in game preview? 20:43 < bridge> soon 20:43 < bridge> in game atm 20:48 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236389117428895846/weaps.mp4?ex=6637d498&is=66368318&hm=5109b6b17938d1d7627550f5a54ce8e249736f14cc1fffb0ec026446ca91c497& 20:49 < bridge> I encode normal x264 now, not x264rgb 20:49 < bridge> so it embeds corrrectly in e.g. discord 20:50 < bridge> @manikoo nothing to see here, please move along :happy: 20:51 < bridge> :owo: 20:51 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236389825041531031/GMuuaiRWQAAp2fJ.jpg?ex=6637d541&is=663683c1&hm=9ca2108f835d2045f5da117f056905b3ef089035d4db44dc6a42b311dec1008d& 20:55 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236390853698654239/image.png?ex=6637d636&is=663684b6&hm=68a403f99bacdbcb83902aef4f24a26b2e765dad2245d215639edbe4dfa352d7& 20:56 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236390921642442752/image.png?ex=6637d646&is=663684c6&hm=7a29dd03c7378de83d3423f1cabc52549965c04c4373b15dff61de64575a7021& 21:15 < bridge> ak enjoyer :gigachad: 21:28 < bridge> This is so silly... I NEED IT!! :owo::owo: 23:28 < bridge> i know there is somewhere a webiste/github to find all the browserlist since 2014... can someone send me the link? 23:29 < bridge> like registered servers to the masters with all connected players and the normal browserlist information 23:39 < bridge> On the website i can see from 2014... 😦 i think the information should be enough but no full analyize xD 23:39 < bridge> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/293493549758939136/1236431863137042452/image.png?ex=6637fc67&is=6636aae7&hm=f75dfd893423dcad7fb0ebc942d7ed9366f74c0053ad325dd7aa66cb15133f10& 23:46 < bridge> afternoon 23:53 < bridge> Those two are different, you can find the dataset for those graphs at the bottom of that page. 23:53 < bridge> 23:53 < bridge> Master data is only since 2021. 23:55 < bridge> hi furo app 23:55 < bridge> u on the matrix 23:55 < bridge> or what