00:45 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/imostergolfra-gif-25274972 02:46 < ws-client> ryo C enjoyer 02:46 < ws-client> https://zillyhuhn.com/cs/.1714524214.png 08:40 < bridge_> he is someone different now 09:26 < bridge_> https://zju3dv.github.io/LoG_webpage/ 09:30 < bridge_> @learath2 the worst news possible 09:30 < bridge_> https://mastodon.social/@pid_eins/112353324518585654 09:30 < bridge_> Run0, a systemd based alternative to sudo, announced (mastodon.social) 09:31 < bridge_> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40205714 10:03 < bridge_> Why... 10:25 < bridge_> Unannounce it 12:33 < bridge_> should be fixed now 12:33 < bridge_> simply no read access for the web server 12:35 < bridge_> rewind time everybody 12:58 < bridge_> C++ doesn't have a test runner. feel free to replace it if you find something better than gtest 12:58 < bridge_> dependencies are only bad in languages that cna't manage them properly… like c++… 12:58 < bridge_> you need to sign a cla with your real name to contribute 13:04 < bridge_> that should absolutely not be necessary. we're not doing an endian conversion there 13:25 < bridge_> thanks, added to my backup 13:28 < bridge_> no. messages like that are stupid. what is the user supposed to do? click no? 13:32 < bridge_> Oh, hm, yeah not really an option for you as you don't associate this name to your real name 13:33 < bridge_> exactly - the redirect would happen either from rcon, a vote or game tile - whatever it is, we should give the user the possibility to decline said redirect ? or am i understanding your point wrong here - because i'd personally like the possibility to decline - say you have a server "lobby" with 10 game tiles redirecting to different servers (like a hub) - you'd want to cancel a redirect if you picked the wrong one or you didnt intend to go there. 13:33 < bridge_> exactly - the redirect would happen either from rcon, a vote or game tile - whatever it is, we should give the user the possibility to decline said redirect ? or am i understanding your point wrong here - because i'd personally like the possibility to decline. Say you have a server "lobby" with 10 game tiles redirecting to different servers (like a hub) - you'd want to cancel a redirect if you picked the wrong one or you didnt intend to go there. 13:33 < bridge_> I think that comment was in context with a discussion Jupstar started about the redirects potentially violating gdpr 13:34 < bridge_> we count the 0 twice in that case 13:36 < bridge_> I disagree that it's our responsibility to care about that though, but that was the context 13:36 < bridge_> https://docs.rs/twstorage/0.1.1/twstorage/enum.Version.html you should probably mark this as `#[non_exhaustive]` in the next incompatible version so you can add more variants later 13:37 < bridge_> I'm not sure there's anything async-able in there 13:37 < bridge_> hello from the past 13:39 < bridge_> i see - i saw the message as a direct response to zhn's message about giving people the possiblity to decline a redirect and i personally didnt see a reason to call such option "stupid" 13:39 < bridge_> the server can just disconnect you if you don't want to disconnect on your own. not much you can do at this point 13:40 < bridge_> what I want to say is that these messages don't empower the user to actually do anything 13:40 < bridge_> whatsapp doesn't get access to the contact book if you decline it. but then whatsapp declines to allow you to contact new people 13:41 < bridge_> the user didn't win here 13:41 < bridge_> the server redirects you. you get a popup. you click no. great, you're now in the main menu 13:41 < bridge_> you didn't get anything from your choice 13:42 < bridge_> what if the server only disconnects after you agreed? that way my point still stands if its used in the context of a server hub 13:42 < bridge_> what if the server only disconnects after you agreed? that way my point still stands if its used in the context of an ingame server hub 13:43 < bridge_> then the server can also ask you beforehand 13:43 < bridge_> the problem with such mandatory popup is that the user doesn't win anything but everyone is annoyed 13:43 < bridge_> I guess you didn't get your ip and player name transferred to a server you did not consent to process that information 13:43 < bridge_> because you now have to click somewhere 13:43 < bridge_> I can just as well illegaly transfer your name and IP address without asking you 13:44 < bridge_> That was my argument aswell 13:44 < bridge_> not sure what this is about. if it's illegal, the server has to notify you beforehand anyway 13:44 < bridge_> in either case 13:44 < bridge_> no need for a client side extra box 13:44 < bridge_> no need for a client side extra message box 13:46 < bridge_> If you want to confirm the user's choice in an ingame server hub you could add a separate room after selecting each server where it shows the IP in chat/broadcast/map and you choose by navigating to a teleport ingame, which seems much less disruptive than a popup message 13:47 < bridge_> If you want to confirm the user's choice in an ingame server hub you could add a separate room after selecting each server where it shows the IP in chat/broadcast/map and you choose by navigating to a teleport/redirect tile ingame, which seems much less disruptive than a popup message 13:47 < bridge_> open_file, he wants to mimic ddnet's storage system 13:47 < bridge_> ah, fair 🙂 13:54 < bridge_> I like the explanation of why. it doesn't rely on setuid binaries 13:57 < bridge_> It instead relies on a monolithic blackbox with so many lines of code that auditing it would be a gargantuan task. That's so much better 14:00 < bridge_> Setuid binaries are a very well understood vector. They have been part of the attacker model since the very start. I trust the decades of scrutiny that part of the linux kernel went through far more than I trust systemd 14:04 < bridge_> I did not even notice that it was Poettering himself that announced it. When will people see that this narcissist is just trying to create a world in which everything depends on his mess of an init system? 14:06 < bridge_> We would literally not tolerate this from anyone else. Not a person not a corporation. Everyone understands that this sort of hyperdependence is extremely bad. How would you feel if neovim depended on libreoffice being installed? Or if firefox depended on chromium? 14:40 < bridge_> On WSL Ubuntu getting this errors when trying to compile DDNet 14:40 < bridge_> ``` 14:40 < bridge_> /usr/bin/ld.gold: error: /mnt/g/Dev/Curl/lib/libz.a: plugin failed to claim member compress.c.obj at 4144 14:40 < bridge_> /usr/bin/ld.gold: error: /mnt/g/Dev/Curl/lib/libz.a: plugin failed to claim member crc32.c.obj at 5748 14:40 < bridge_> /usr/bin/ld.gold: error: /mnt/g/Dev/Curl/lib/libz.a: plugin failed to claim member inflate.c.obj at 64708 14:40 < bridge_> /usr/bin/ld.gold: error: /mnt/g/Dev/Curl/lib/libz.a: plugin failed to claim member uncompr.c.obj at 118466 14:40 < bridge_> /usr/bin/ld.gold: error: /mnt/g/Dev/Curl/lib/libz.a: plugin failed to claim member zutil.c.obj at 119780 14:40 < bridge_> ``` 14:41 < bridge_> why is the path dev curl lib 14:41 < bridge_> xd 14:41 < bridge_> no idea 14:41 < bridge_> it was fix and now I can't compile and debug server on WSL 😦 14:41 < bridge_> it seems like it finds a very weird libz or smth 14:42 < bridge_> 14:42 < bridge_> can u do: 14:42 < bridge_> 14:42 < bridge_> ``` 14:42 < bridge_> sudo apt install build-essential cargo cmake git glslang-tools google-mock libavcodec-extra libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libfreetype6-dev libglew-dev libnotify-dev libogg-dev libopus-dev libopusfile-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libvulkan-dev libwavpack-dev libx264-dev python3 rustc spirv-tools 14:42 < bridge_> ``` 14:42 < bridge_> 14:42 < bridge_> then remove CmakeCache.txt and try to compile again 14:42 < bridge_> already did with --reinstall and without that and still the same 14:44 < bridge_> ohh I find out what's going on 14:44 < bridge_> /mnt/g/ is my drive G on windows wtf 14:44 < bridge_> why should it iink curl by using that path 😐 14:44 < bridge_> why should it link curl by using that path 😐 14:49 < bridge_> I don't think setuid binaries are a good security concept (especially not for the sole reason that they've been around for a long time) 14:49 < bridge_> I won't comment on the merits of systemd itself 14:50 < bridge_> but this particular point resonated with me 14:51 < bridge_> Okay, and I don't think massive unauditable monoliths that have been around even shorter are any better. That's all 14:51 < bridge_> * fixed by removing curl library and include folder of windows path 14:51 < bridge_> * fixed by removing curl's library and include folder of windows path 14:52 < bridge_> * fixed by removing curl's library and include folder of windows's path 14:52 < bridge_> * fixed by removing curl's library and include folder of windows's environment variables 14:52 < bridge_> * fixed by removing curl's library and include folder of windows environment variables 15:41 < bridge_> The github ddnet/ddnet repository reached 500 stars :owo: 15:44 < bridge_> 501 now! :gigachad: 16:22 < bridge_> 502 now 😎 16:42 < bridge_> what to do then 16:43 < bridge_> the code as-is wasn't working? 16:43 < bridge_> no 16:46 < bridge_> the problem is here: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/blob/2cd877f0cef1a821544437a37760b28e2a08f088/src/engine/shared/network.cpp#L140 16:46 < bridge_> we dump the variable in memory-order onto the network 17:18 < bridge_> if you click no, client will not automatically redirect you next time, if you click yes, server will be listed as verified on client side until player modify it itself so they will have no need in seeing this msgbox ever again 17:18 < bridge_> message like this will prevent auto-redirect, and will allow to auto-redirect if ita intended 17:18 < bridge_> its* 17:20 < bridge_> I don't get what this message box adds 17:23 < bridge_> its like http redirect in browsers 17:23 < bridge_> you have additional step to connect 17:24 < bridge_> if you want to connect to this server without this annoying msgbox you can just tick a checkbox 18:12 < bridge_> @heinrich5991 will auto-merge break if i squash the commits? or does it do that automatically 18:21 < bridge_> thanks 18:38 < bridge_> https://tenor.com/view/grammar-police-drift-police-car-gif-17312786 18:38 < bridge_> :pepe_holy: oh god pls i have a wife and kids 18:41 < bridge_> but still, will auto-merge break if i squash? XD 18:51 < bridge_> I guess it does because of Missing write Access 19:51 < bridge_> yes, but I can just press the merge button again 21:14 < bridge_> @blaiszephyr nub 21:15 < bridge_> :kek: 22:14 < bridge_> how can i use ```cpp m_pClient``` in game/client/prediction/entities/character.cpp? 22:14 < bridge_> how can i use ```cpp 22:14 < bridge_> m_pClient``` in game/client/prediction/entities/character.cpp? 22:14 < bridge_> how can i use ```cpp 22:14 < bridge_> m_pClient->``` in game/client/prediction/entities/character.cpp? 22:14 < bridge_> how can i use ```cpp 22:14 < bridge_> m_pClient->``` in game/client/prediction/entities/character.cpp? 22:15 < bridge_> i get this when i wanna use it: ```error: ‘m_pClient’ was not declared in this scope;``` 23:49 < bridge_> you're attempting to access a member (`m_pClient`) of a class which does not have it 23:49 < bridge_> you can request the client instance from the engine 23:50 < bridge_> you can request the client instance from the kernel 23:51 < bridge_> ```cpp 23:51 < bridge_> IClient *pClient = Kernel()->RequestInterface(); 23:51 < bridge_> ``` 23:52 < bridge_> okay maybe you can't 23:55 < bridge_> oh you're changing prediction code 23:56 < bridge_> i believe the state of prediction can't be attached to (more or less) 'global' state components like the engine because the data in there doesn't necessarily represent the point in time that the prediction is actually working at 23:56 < bridge_> i believe the state of prediction can't be attached to (more or less) 'global' state components like the client or kernel because the data in there doesn't necessarily represent the point in time that the prediction is actually working at 23:57 < bridge_> so fundamentally you should take another approach